workplace environment
Write a 500- word paper examining at least 3 of the following situations at work:
1. Stretched too thin – you were asked to take on additional work that proved to be too much. Did you know beforehand that it would be too much? did you do it because of who asked you? was there other motives for taking on the extra work?
2. Build you up – have you taken on a task or assignment at work that you knew was going to get you noticed? Who were you hoping that would notice you? were you successful in the task? did you get the recognition you wanted?
3. Networking – have you accepted a task or a job simply because you knew it could lead to better things? Have you done this as a result of someone else’s influence? what was the outcome?
4. Reputation – have you ever taken on a task because you knew it make you “known” among your peers? Have you ever avoided a situation because you did not want to be known as “that person”? When it comes to your reputation, how do you want you leaders to perceive you? If you are a leader, or want to be one, how to you plan to build that reputation?
It is important that you get the most out of this assignment as it requires a great deal of personal reflection and that should be noted in your assignment.
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