write a 3-4 page “position paper”
Throughout the course, we have seen that sports gives us different ways to think about how we separate right from wrong. Another way of saying this, then, is that sports prompts debates about what is “just” in different situations. Specifically, we’ve seen how this plays out in terms of both formal rules (like laws or league penalties) and informal rules (i.e. norms). Further, we’ve seen that one cannot really argue that a particular practical result is right unless one can show how that result is consistent with some underlying standard or principle. The final assignment asks you to write a 3-4 page “position paper” arguing for a particular application of some such principle in sports. It can be a reform that you think is necessary or a reinforcement of the status quo against people who want to change it; it can be as large-scale as a sweeping legal change (within reason) or as small-scale as some informal expectation about how athletes conduct themselves. It does not have to be from the reading, but you are encouraged to use the kinds of issues discussed in the readings/lectures as a guide. Either way, though, specific is always better. Your paper will be assessed in two main ways: how clearly you articulate your practical position (e.g. “I think that sports leagues should punish __ because it does __”) and how well you explain why this outcome is just. In doing so, it is usually especially important to compare your proposition to alternatives or counterarguments and explain why you think yours is more justifiable.
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