Support all content with strong evidence, or data obtained by careful
WA4 ASSIGNMENT: Submit a full research-based Business Action Report to a specific decision-maker which proposes a specific solution to a problem, issue, or need within a real-world organization, group, or community. ten pages
This major WA4 report should:
- Identify fully the core problem, issue, or need
- Explore the major alternatives for solving the problem or meeting the need
- Support all content with strong evidence, or data obtained by careful research using at least seven research sources (three or more of which are scholarly)
- Present a workable solution to the problem with a clear “call to action” for making the changes that are required
FORMAT: The WA4 report itself should be in standard APA document format (double-spaced with indented paragraphs, using regular 12-point Times New Roman font). Please submit your WA4 paper as one file (which contains both the memo and report).
TRANSMITTAL MEMO: A transmittal memo is a forwarding document, addressed to the paper’s recipient (normally the decision-maker), and basically serves to say: Here’s my Business Action Report on the problem of so-and-so, with a proposed solution, which I hope you will approve for implementation. The document would be written in standard business Memo Format (single-spaced, no indentations). The memo should be no more than one page long (about 150-200 words). This memo is separate from your report and should be the first item to appear in your WA4 document file.
TEMPLATE for Submitting Your WA4 Business Action Report
- Transmittal Memo/Letter
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- List of Illustrations (if needed)
- List of Appendices (if needed)
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Body (w/Subdivisions)
- Conclusion
- Appendices (if needed)
LENGTH: About five to six pages (text body = 2,200 to 3,000 words).
VALUE: 35% of final course grade.
- How to Write a Formal Research-Based Persuasive Report
- APA Citation Examples
- Transmittal Memo
- WA4 PDF in PDF’s for Assignments
- Appropriate length to meet sufficient content requirements
- Executive summary
- Transmittal memo/letter to decision-maker
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Body of report
- Use of sources
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