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It is always a big questionable debate when it comes to whether or not our climate change has been dealt with properly.Since President Obama became President, the EPA proposed numerous a number of regulations. Congress had a major problem with these regulations and have stated that they are overreaching their power. I believe that they were only doing their job and moving in the right directions of controlling the environment. I also think that Congress had major concern with these regulations because they were going to happen under the Obama Administration and everyone knows that they wanted to make him out to be the worse President (just my opinion). They are only doing whats right and trying to get regulation and stop the polluting of our country. Now that Trump is trying to take some of those regulations away and letting companies dump their waste in rivers without being regulated, its hard to tell were we will go from here. Trump has a lot of support in Congress and it may be hard for EPA to get some of the regulations they have proposed through.
Climate change: Has the EPA done too much or too little?
The EPA and what it’s done for our country is quite a popular debate item. It strongly depends on a few different things. First, what it’s done in regards to the environment versus the economy are two different things. While it could do “just enough” for the environment, it could have done “too much” to our economy. According to some, if you are referring to the impact on the economy, it’s done too much. This is common amongst the conservative Republican party.
According to Mark Levin, a conservative, the EPA has strongly impacted middle class jobs. He states, ““It’s destroying working people in this country; it’s destroying coal miners; it’s destroying oil jobs; it’s destroying trucking jobs. The EPA is destroying our smokestack industries.” According to CNS News, “A study of two proposed EPA regulations seeking to curb power plant emissions shows that the regulations will raise electricity prices and cause a four-to-one job loss ration.” Playing devil’s advocate, the American Association for the Advancement of Science does concede that “On the macroeconomic level…those negative effects…have been relatively small, compared to the total 8 million jobs lost from 1977 to 1986.”
Now, to consider whether the EPA has done too much or too little for the environment. According to Gallup polls, half of the US believes the EPA doesn’t do enough. But do opinions of American’s have any statistical evidence to support their opinion? Perhaps so. According to MintPress News, “A new investigative report…alleges that [the EPA] often fail to hold corporations criminally accountable for violating environmental laws, including knowingly discharging raw sewage…” In fact, while the number of opened cases are on the rise, the number of criminal charges are at a decline.
All in all, according to these sources, the EPA is essentially not doing enough for the environment, but doing enough to hurt the economy.…………
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