The group life cycle, management homework help
1. The first question is read the paragraph and give a comment ( write about a paragraph) with resources A leader may use the life cycle model of virtual team in order to ensure the success of team team in a number of ways. The group life cycle develops a time line of steps and challenges that the team will face. It is imperative that a leader understands each step and the challenges associated with each step of the cycle to ensure a quick and smooth transition. For example, Tuchman’s stage model of development breaks down a team’s life cycle into four different parts. These are forming, storming, norming, and performing. The forming stage is when the team first gets together and meets each other and attempt to build trust. In order to facilitate this a leader may create an activity in order to break this ice. This can be as simple as team introductions or an activity in order to get people to open up. Second part is forming. This is when the team attempts to develop a team identity. This is when a leader must be prepared as it is up to him/her to ensure conflicts are managed. A leader may do this by assigning task based on individuals strengths and weaknesses and ensuring everyone is aware of their role. Third step is the norming. In this step groups create a strategy to complete the assigned task. A leader must ensure that are well coordinated and that a team has build trust and has a vision. Final step is performing. This is essentially where a leader wants to have its team under. At this point teams have build trust and are actively working to meet the goals. A team leader must be aware that groups may change their positioning within the cycle at various points of a project. Essentially, a leader needs excellent communication and conflict resolution skills in order to understand what works and what may need to be changed in order to ensure successful completion of assigned task. 2. SAME THING FOR THIS QUESTION ( READ THE PARAGRAPH AND GIVE A COMMENT : FOR EXAMPLE I AGREEE WITH YOU………… Technology has become increasingly dependent in this present time, and organizations have used it to their advantage to become more flexible and to keep up with their competitors (Townsend, Samuel & Hendrickson, 1998). To enumerate, a team I have been a part of at work, was back when I first started in the information technology section, and me and two other interns were put to a task to do a research project and presentation for the director of our division on a current problem that they have related to the work they do. Furthermore, we were all in various offices with only 2 months to figure out how to meet, on top of doing are other work for our bosses. As a result, we took some advice from some of the experienced co-workers and they suggest that we use a SharePoint site, which is a relatively new software that allows team to have close collaboration, when unable to work on it in person as much.
We took away many positives, from using SharePoint was that we can update information while we are talking to the phone on each other, conferences calls, and skype meetings to ensure the necessary information was being placed in correctly. On the other hand, there were some drawbacks, were we lost days working on the project because the site was down, or the skype meetings were not working. Technology can cause problems when there is too much information going in the same system at the same time, and also that some people may not be a savvy handling technology in certain cases. In addition, there can be a negative impact when the virtual team, is not producing an effect outcome by not communicating with each other (Townsend, Samuel & Hendrickson, 1998). Ultimately, we ended up finishing the project and presentation in front of the director, who actually asked us for the PowerPoint so that she could take away and implement some new guidance right away on the issue. 3. THE STUDENT WROTE A COMMENT AND I NEED TO RESPOND TO THIS PARAGRAPH
I would use the method of Knowles, andragogy has become a leading theory of adult education. As with pedagogy, andragogy is a set of assumptions about adult learners that focuses on the role of a manager as a facilitator for employee-centered learning, Theory involves constructing new knowledge through social interactions. Constructing new knowledge through social interactions plays a fundamental role in the development of cognition.
I provide two useful steps in order to deliver transferred back to the job. First, readiness to learn
employees are responsible for them matures act his/her readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to the developmental tasks of his/her social roles. I will let them to find their misconduct at the workplace.
Secondly, I will motivate them creating simulation cases to understand the workplace rules to complete a satisfactory conduct, and they can be compensated for their time experiencing what conduct case might cause under their responsibility.