The use of DNA by security agencies, law homework help
My discussion: The use of DNA by security agencies has been on the increase, and the aim of this has been to make sure justice is delivered to the affected victims. Various effects have been realized in the legal sector through the use of DNA testing. Through the process of DNA testing, it has been possible to solve some grave and complex criminal offenses like murder. DNA testing is said to be able to issue exact results something that helps to identify the real suspect of a crime that was committed (NSW government,). Sometimes some of these cases have been solved even without the need of an eye witness because the report presented by DNA testing is precise and clear. Before the DNA testing was brought on board challenges were found when trying to solve issues various criminal offenses. DNA profiling will be the best way of determining a student who has committed a crime as long their names is found between alphabets A-L. The process of DNA testing should be done in a repeated way to achieve exact and positive results. DNA process is the most precise method of solving criminal cases when compared to other ways of addressing criminal offenses. The first stage is where DNA cells are collected and analyzed in the laboratory. However, this is the stage referred to RFLP analysis. During this process of RFLP, a big number of DNA fragments are realized, and it is the work of the forensic experts into digging deep to come up with a more precise concerning the DNA test carried out (NSW government,). Reference: NSW government, “Impact of DNA Testing”. Bocsar.Nsw.Gov.Au, 2017, |
Teachers question that I need answered:
Include one case study of how DNA exonerated a person previously convicted of a crime and identify those areas you have discussed above. There are preliminary tests used for vaginal secretions, saliva, urine etc. called presumptive, and confirmatory tests for blood and semen. Why is it not possible to have confirmatory tests on vaginal secretions, saliva, urine? |
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