write chapter 3 of a dissertation to meet standards stated in template .

Rewrite chapter 3 of a dissertation to meet standards stated in template .

I have attached 2 documents one is the chapter 1 of the desecration. the second is the template details the structure on how it should be written and what are the requirements. below is a chapter out line for chapter three. the details of each section can be found in the dissertation template that is attached. a minimum of 20 pages not to include references pages,table of contents page or survey created for data collection. APA style to include inline cictations

Chapter 3: Research Method *

Research Methods and Design(s) *

Population *

Sample *

Materials/Instruments *

Operational Definition of Variables (Quantitative/Mixed Studies Only) *

Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis *

Assumptions *

Limitations *

Delimitations *

Ethical Assurances *

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