​Legal and Ethical Risks in Management

Legal and Ethical Risks in Management

Managers are like jugglers, keeping an eye on various aspects of an organization, making sure that activities stay in motion and don’t crash to the ground. One area of focus should be the legal and ethical implications of actions taken by employees. As you have seen in this week’s readings, these implications can be vague and may differ from person to person. Imagine trying to juggle a ball that keeps changing shape and flitting in and out of sight! Search the Internet for credible online resources for investigating the legality of different management practices. Share at least three of these resources with your classmates and explain why you find these particular resources to be useful.

Note: You do not need to directly answer these points in your Discussion post as they serve only to begin your thinking process; however, you must explain your reasoning as you formulate your formal response.

All work in APA format with proper citing!

  • Why is it important for a manager to be aware of both legal and ethical risks that may occur in the work environment?
  • What level of responsibility does a manager have to also familiarize those under him of potential areas of risk? What are the moral responses of a manager towards those under him or her?
  • What role does the Human Resources Manager or department play? What sort of resources can they provide?


Colquitt, J. A., Lepine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2015). Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

Chapter 7, “Trust, Justice, and Ethics”

This chapter discusses three critical topics for any organization; the development of trust, the fairness of decision making, and the importance of ethical behavior

Banaji, M. R., Bazerman, M. H., & Chugh, D. (2003). How (un)ethical are you? Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 56–64.
Retrieved from https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/pl/58468009/58469717/e05e04b497135c57dfd9bf9e5c2acc94

This article discusses four situations where managers may unintentionally make unethical decisions and argues for more stringent ethics training for managers.

Playing favorites: How to avoid unintended partiality in decisions, reviews. (2010). HR Specialist: New York Employment Law, 5(1), 6.

This article focuses on how to formulate objective evaluations and examines situations when managers may unintentionally bias their evaluations based on such things as race, sex, or personality.

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