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Narrative Summation of Interview
Your summation should be presented as a narrative rather than a listing of questions and answers.It is recommended that you audiotape the interview so that you may review it as you complete the Final Project.
For the interview, use the following questions.Several questions relate to topics covered in this course so that you may gain an understanding of how the course topics apply to the life of a counselor. If a question is related to a weekly topic, the week number is indicated in parentheses after the question.
Interview Questions
- Describe your motivation for becoming a mental health counselor.
- How is the profession of counseling unique within the helping professions? How does it differ from psychology or social work? (Week 3)
- What are your thoughts on the current labor market for counselors?
- Can you describe what a normal day looks like for you as you do your job?
- What ethical and legal issues do you have to keep in mind each day? (Week 4)
- How does understanding and respecting multiculturalism help you as a counselor? (Week 8)
- How have you engaged in advocacy (for clients, for the profession)? If so, what did that involve and how did it go? (Week 9)
- What do you do to maintain self-care and wellness? (Week 2)
- What’s the best piece of advice you can give me as a counselor-in-training?
10. Add one additional question of your own choosing.
© 2018 Walden University 3
COUN 6100: Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Write up this section of your paper as a narrativerather than as a list of questions and answers.Use citations to the Learning Resourcesto demonstrate your application and mastery of concepts from this course. For example, how does what your interviewee said about ethics relate to what you learned in the course?
Section 2: Reflection
In this section, you reflect on both the interview and the course.In your reflection, respond to the questions below.Your reflection should be presented as a narrative rather than a listing of questions and answers.
- Consider your response to the Week 1 Spark Discussion question. How has your vision changed over the past 10 weeks? What is the same? What new insights have you gained?
- What did you learn from the interview that you did not learn in the course?
- What,ifanything,didyoulearnfromtheinterviewthatcontrastedwithwhatyou learned in the course?
- Whatdoyouanticipatetheimpactofbeingaclinicalmentalhealthcounselor may be on who you are personally?
This is who and what I want my paper to be about.The area that I plan on working in is children and young adults that has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia can affect anyone, but it is more common in teenagers. When a person is diagnosed with this disorder, they are not the only ones that has to learn about the disorder, many times the family will need to learn about the disorder as well as the treatment for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain according to some doctors. Most doctors feel that people focus so much time and attention trying to figure out was causes this mental illness instead of what does not cause it.Licensed Mental Health Counselor IntervieweeThe counselor that I have chosen to interview is Jamie Phillips, she is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Mrs. Phillips specializes in Schizophrenia in children as well as young adults. Jamie loves what she does and goes above and beyond for her consumers. I have learned so much from Jamie since I started working with her 3 months ago.Relevant InformationMrs. Phillips obtained a Bachelor of Psychology from the University of Alabama and a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Capella University. Mrs. Phillips currently works as a School based therapist at one of our local public schools. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor.Explanation of SelectionI chose Mrs. Phillips because she has been counseling for 20 years and she loves what she does. I feel like she is one of the best as what she does, and she has a great deal of empathy for her clients.</pstyle=”margin-bottom:>
23 hours ago
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