Case Brief Summary Jakubowicz v. Dittemore, (W.D. MO.2006), law homework help

Jakubowicz v. Dittemore, (W.D. MO.2006)

Submit the Case Brief 2 to Chalk and Wire using the link in the Module 8 folder. Students that do not submit the assignment to Chalk and Wire will receive a zero. This is a key program assessment; the results are used to ensure students are meeting program goals. Video and PDF instructions can be found on the course home page. PDF instructions are also located in the Start Here folder.

Instructions Every lawyer briefs cases differently. A case brief generally consists of a series of topic headings with the specific information from the case under each heading. Most case briefs contain similar information but the headings and their sequence may be different. Some professors have a preferred briefing format. You are only required to follow the general format as set forth below. The following is adapted from A Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method (Dernbach, et al., 2007).

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