intro to policing

  1. Why is communication important for police? List two guidelines for effective communication and use examples to illustrate their importance.
  2. Describe the White and colleagues study. According to the study by White and colleagues, what are the most important motivators for becoming a police officer? What are the least important? Was there much change in motivations over time?
  3. Discuss two of the questions surrounding police use of the TASER. Use detail and examples to illustrate.
  4. What does it mean to say that police encounters are “transactional”? What are the implications of this transactional mindset for police? Use detail and examples.
  5. What are the major arguments supporting armed, off-duty police? Do the findings from Fyfe’s study support these arguments? Explain why or why not.
  6. Describe the different types of stressors associated with policing. Use examples.
  7. Go to the Officer Down Memorial Page website ( and answer the following questions:
    1. How many line-of-duty deaths occurred in 2012?
    2. How many line-of-duty deaths have occurred in the state of Arizona?
    3. How many line-of-duty deaths have occurred in the state of Pennsylvania?
    4. How many Phoenix police officers have died in the line of duty?
    5. In 2014, how many line-of-duty deaths were caused by automobile accidents?
  8. Read the article at:

Describe why the Las Vegas Metro Police Department decided to re-visit their use of force training and policy. Explain how de-escalation and the sanctity of life play into their revised approach? From your perspective, what are the advantages of such an approach? Disadvantages?

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