Comprehensive Business Management – Assignment, management homework help
The week 3 individual work is a strategic audit of Panera Bread Company. “A strategic audit provides a checklist of questions by area or issue, that enables a systematic analysis to be made of various corporate functions and activities”. (See Appendix 1.A (pages 32-39) at the end of chapter one in your textbook for a guide). A strategic audit is a detailed case analysis in outline form. This assignment is due at the end of week 3.
Perform some general research on Panera Bread Company. Case 16 in your textbook is on Panera Bread Company and provides an initial background on the company, I will post additional resources in the Supplemental Resources folder within week 3, and you should also seek academic quality resources to familiarize yourself with the company.
Please read page 341 in your textbook for an explanation of strategic audits. Figure 12.1 on page 342 in your textbook provides a Strategic Audit Worksheet. See Appendix B in your textbook (pages 347 – 349) Suggested Case Analysis Methodology Using the Strategic Audit. Also see Appendix C in your textbook on pages 350-357 for an example of a student written strategic audit. You will not need to develop or submit the Exhibits used in the example, but they may be helpful in completing your audit.
Suggested format of your analysis (in addition to the following, please follow the format provided on pages 350 – 354 in your textbook:
- Include a cover page to your paper.
- Prove an Introduction to Panera Bread Company.
- Address the following main topics (and include the appropriate subtopics presented on pages 350-354)for the strategic audit:
I. Current Situation
II. Strategic Managers
III. External Environment
IV. Internal Environment
V. Analysis of Strategic Factors
VI. Strategic Alternatives and Recommended Strategy
VII. Implementation
VII. Evaluation and and Control
- Provide a Conclusion paragraph that summarizes the main points in your paper.
- A Reference Page should follow the text of your paper to show all the resources you used in analyzing your case.
You should be able to do an adequate analysis in 6-7 pages, including your cover page and references listing.
Please make sure the content of your paper is written in your own words to avoid plagiarism, include APA citations when quoting or paraphrasing information from outside resources, and include each reference on an APA formatted reference page. Papers are submitted to SafeAssign to check for plagiarism.
Make sure to double-check your paper for correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation before submitting it for grading.
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