guerrilla marketing, management homework help

Read Case 3: The case study covers strategic management, guerrilla marketing, and pricing strategies (Chapters 8 & 10). These are the chapters assigned for week 3.

Write a one to two page paper that answers the three questions at the end of the case, paying particular attention to consumer sensitivity to pricing, guerilla marketing that could be considered, and any strategic management decisions (such as product bundling) the student recommends if Shade decides to expand the True Body Products line for Whole Foods. Based on the analysis for this case, should Shade consider a nation-wide launch of the product line and why?

The paper should be written in the correct APA writing style and cite a minimum of one scholarly resource besides the text. Other suggested resources are credible business publications such as Forbes Magazine, Harvard Business Review, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, etc. These business publications will offer the perspectives of entrepreneurs in the field.

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