personal project final paper, communications homework help
1. Categorize your VTC example using Duarte and Snyder’s typology of virtual teams.
This version identifies the type of team of which you were a part, but provides too few details from your team experience to sufficiently support your conclusion. In your final version, expand on this discussion to detail what led you to the conclusion you arrived at for the type of virtual team– what were the criteria you used and what led you to the conclusion that your team type met those criteria. Refer to Duarte and Snyder, chapter one, especially pages 3-9 for more information on this. You will want to keep in mind as you develop this section that this requirement of your project accounts for 20% of the grade for this project.
2. Describe relevant details of the VTC in terms of purpose, people, process, and communication technologies.
This version of your project is a good start to meeting this requirement– you will want to expand on your discussion in each of the required elements, especially of the people involved in your project. I suggest that you organize this discussion to include a section for each of the elements: purpose, people, process, and communication technologies.
3. Identify the complexity of social and technical issues involved in VTC.
This version includes references to the social and cultural factors but is not sufficiently developed to meet the project requirements. Refer to Duarte and Snyder, especially chapter three, pages 55-72 for guidance on assessing the cultural complexity factors of your team, and include an analysis of the social and cultural factors that affected your team’s experience. Be sure to discuss both the social/cultural and technical factors. How did these issues manifest themselves in this collaboration? How were they dealt with? What impact do you feel they had on the outcome of your team?
4. Critically assesses key factors that influence VTC performance. The project description calls for you to: “Provide an evaluation of the VTC performance using the relevant critical success factors as outlined in Duarte and Snyder. Your evaluation should provide an in-depth analysis of one or two specific success factors and your rationale for choosing these particular factors.”
In this section of your paper you were to use the critical success factors identified in Duarte and Snyder, Chapter One, pages 10-23 to assess your example of virtual team collaboration. This is the same set of factors you used in assignment u02a1. In your final version you will want to provide an in-depth analysis of one or two specific success factors and your rationale for choosing these particular factors. As with the social and cultural factors, include a discussion of how the factors you select for analyses affected the outcomes and functioning of your virtual team. How did these factors affect the process of your collaboration? How did these factors affect the outcome of the collaboration?
5. Identify strategies for improving VTC performance.
Your paper begins the discussion on ways to improve team collaboration, but does not sufficiently address these recommendations. The project description calls for you to “provide suggestions that would improve or enhance performance in this virtual team example.” This section of your paper should include a very specific analysis of the problems that your team experienced, or the opportunities for improvement that you identify, and then very specific actionable suggestions for improvement. What would you have done differently? How would this have made a difference to the outcome of the team collaboration? How would you have implemented your suggestions? How would you be able to measure the improvement that would have resulted? In your final version, be very specific in your suggestions for improving this specific collaboration.
You have done some good work here. I look forward to reading the final version of your project.
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