accounting information system
Health Care LLC specializes in selling hospital, medical, scientific, laboratory equipment, devices and instruments to hospital and medical colleges. The company handles both written and telephone orders, using the following procedures.
One of several company-employed field sales representatives records customer orders on a three-part form (Form A). The original is left with the customer, the duplicate is mailed to central headquarters each day in a special color-coded envelope, and the triplicate is retained in the sales representative’s order pad. When the written orders arrive at headquarters, they go directly to the secretary of the order entry department. The secretary initially receives all telephone orders and inquiries as well.
The secretary routes inquiries to the customer service representatives and directs both written and telephone orders to one of three order entry clerks. Telephone orders are transcribed onto Form B and then read back to the customer for confirmation. Because both written and telephone orders are now in written form, further processing of Forms A and B is identical.
All customer orders are entered through video display terminal VDT located in order entry. They undergo a series of programmed edits as part of the data entry process. One of the edits is to validate the customer’s name(s), address(es), freight and credit terms, and credit rating by referencing the customer master file (Note: all computer files are kept on disk). The inventory master file is accessed to check inventory availability.
Orders that pass all these tests are then recorded on the sales order master file; the inventory balance is reduced, and a screen message informs the clerk of the updates. The clerk files the accepted customer orders by customer number. Orders that fail any of the edits or validations are recorded in a computer “suspense” file for later investigation.
Each evening, data processing prints five-part sales orders (Form C) from the data stored on the sales order master file. Order entry receives two copies of the sales order; it files copy 2 in the accepted order file and mails the original (copy 1) to the customer. Copies 3 and 4 are sent to the warehouse, and copy 5 is sent to accounts receivable. Using copy 3, warehouse workers pick the goods. They file copy 3 and deliver the goods and copy 4 to the shipping department.
A shipping clerk checks the assembled order against sales order copy 4, prepares a three-part shipping notice (Form D), and records the shipment in a shipping log. The shipping notice original, signed by the carrier, serves as the bill of lading; sales order copy 4 is used as the packing slip. The bill of lading and packing slip accompany the goods to the customer. The duplicate of the shipping notice is sent to accounts receivable; the triplicate is sent to order entry, where it is filed in the accepted order file.
1- Draw a context diagram .
2- Draw a detailed data flow diagram.
3-Draw a flow chart .
4- Prepare the table of entities and activities.
5- Discuss ( point by point) the threats faced by health care LLc during the process and subsequent controls to be in place to overcome the identified treats. ( threats and control for each form )
6- Explain in detail the types of input, processing and output controls use to ensure processing integrity.
7-What measures you will take to protect the confidentiality and privacy of sensitive information.
Note : clearly state your assumption wherever applicable in the given tasks.
*Construction :
- Introduction ( 200 words )
- Tasks answers :
- Task 1
- Task 2
- task 3
- task 4
- task 5 ( 400 words )
- task 6 ( 400 words )
- task 7 ( 400 words )
- Conclusion ( 200 words )
- references
total of assignment should be 2000 words
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