Alcohol in U.S. Society Discussion
I need an original post that is at least 200 words responding to Part A. Then I need two student responses to post, at least 100 words, that can be found in Part B. Please respond to student response like you are talking to them directly. Do not say “ I agree with this student….this student’s use of …..etc…” Side note: my family drinks very casually.
Discuss the significance of specific multicultural factors you would consider important in relation to treatment for alcohol use disorders. Make sure you click on the full text icon on the left of each abstract listed after following the links. The research articles explore different multicultural factors relevant to the discussion question.
“ I was not ever interested in trying alcohol until I was of age to do so but I know a few people that had their first sip of beer from a relative. Most young teens experience drinking for the first time at a house party. Alcohol has different effects on different people, some have immediate reactions while others can drink until they are in a stupor. Culture definitely has a impact on alcoholism. Italians were generally introduced to alcohol at home usually at family dinners and special encounters, according to the article (Rolando, 2012). It is said that most Italians are usually between 7-16 when they consume their first drink usually a sort of wine. They are not known to get intoxicated from drinking wine intentionally but on occasion one can over indulge. Wine is not perceived in a negative way but a positive, with many memorable moments associated with it. I usually take a drink or two on what I consider to be special occasions but could not relate to drinking daily. My preference and alcohol tolerance wouldn’t allow me to.
Cultural factors play a huge role in alcohol use and can include many factors. Environment, family, and surroundings are a big deal. Having such a close love for family and celebratory encounters intertwined with the love of alcohol could cause issues related to alcohol abuse and/or dependency.
In my culture drinking is abused in my opinion. It can go down hill very quickly and is usually heavily consumed in a nightclub atmosphere. I have seen friends who abuse alcohol but do not see it as an issue because it is just on weekends. Alcohol is in a sense used to heighten the fun or “turn up” when out socializing. Even with clubs implementing precautions to identify who is legally old enough to consume alcohol, maybe they should consider a limit per person. I doubt they would because they would be limiting their businesses profits.
Rolando, S., Beccaria, F., Tigerstedt, C., & Törrönen, J. (2012). First drink: What does it mean? The alcohol socialization process in different drinking cultures. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy,19(3), 201-212. doi:10.3109/09687637.2012.658105”
“There are many multicultural factors which have an impact on the amount of alcohol individuals may consume, and the treatment they may receive for an alcohol use disorder. Alcohol and many other drugs have been being used by individuals worldwide for thousands of years. Both beer and wine were first made around the same time in what we call today Iraq and Iran. There is little mention of alcohol use in North America before the arrival of whites. (Abbott, 2008) There were some isolated reports of alcohol use by the Pima/Papago in Southwest United States, the Aztecs in Mexico, and the Aleuts from as far North as Alaska. Alcohol use didn’t become widely introduced in large quantities until the colonial times.
Multicultural factors which impact an individual drinking habits and/or treatment program include their racial/ethical differences, gender, religious beliefs, and sociocultural beliefs. Research has shown that there are racial/ethnic differences in alcohol initiation, such that Asian Americans typically have delayed onset of alcohol use compared to non-Hispanic White or Hispanic individuals. (Regina A. Shih, 2012) Cultural values to these various races/ethnic groups differ, and the characteristics and conditions that the group consider important will influence their behaviors, skills, belief systems, and motivation behind individuals actions. Research has also shown that men have a higher tendency to go out to bars and drink than women. Studies conducted in Botswana, Taiwan, and China suggested that going to bars and drinking is predominantly within the male culture, because it shows masculinity, time for building friendships, or work-related purposes. Some religions may prohibit or discourage the consumption of alcohol such as Islam and Buddhism, while other religions such as Christians will consume alcohol at religious ceremonies. Finally, the sociocultural beliefs such as when is it acceptable to introduce alcohol to young children. One culture may find it acceptable for adolescents to indulge in alcohol, while others prohibit the use of alcohol until age 21 in most places.
Like I mentioned earlier in my post, multicultural factors will influence an individual’s motivation behind their actions, such as them going and getting treatment for an alcohol use disorder. In some cultures, in history, alcohol was only to be used for ceremonies, and anything excess was punishable by death. (Back in the Aztec time) I can imagine if they had an alcohol use disorder, they were shamed for it and getting treatment would be impossible. However, in society today, alcohol use is acceptable in moderations and individuals with alcohol use disorders are encouraged to get treatment. Having an alcohol or drug addiction in todays culture is considered a mental disorder, and there are various treatment options available to help these individuals no matter what their race or cultural back ground.
Abbott, P. (2008, January 1). Culture and Substance Abuse: Impact of Culture Affects Approach to Treatment . Retrieved from Psychiatric Times :…
Regina A. Shih, J. N. (2012). Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Influence of Cultural Values, Alcohol Resistance Self-Efficacy, and Alcohol Expectancies on Risk for Alcohol Initiation. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors , pp. 460-470.”