Color Perception in Infancy Sensory & Perceptual Abilities Critical Writing

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    Critical Writing Asisignment 2

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    • To submit your work –First answer in a word document. When completed, proof read, and save your document. To upload scroll to where it asks you to attach file – browse your computer and upload your document. Don’t forget to click submit. You’ll do this for each of the 5 written assignments required.
    • Assignment 2 is Due 6/15
    • Each assignment is worth 25 points. Approx. 1000 words is ~ 4 pages in length.
    • Follow basic APA formatting i.e. 12pt font (Times or Arial), double spaced, 1 inch margins. You do not need a cover page but you must cite references in APA style.
    • Be clear, and concise, but thorough in order to expect full points.
    • Use three (3) peer reviewed journal articles to support your arguments/claims. The book can be used as an extra resource (the book also provides several resources to look up).

    This activity reinforces students’ knowledge and understanding of infants’ sensory and perceptual abilities and provides an opportunity for students to apply this knowledge. Color Perception in InfancyAs Santrock mentions in the text, the visual system continues to develop after birth. It appears that experience is necessary for visual development to progress, and recent research suggests that experience may be equally important for color perception. In one study, infant monkeys were raised in a room with only monochromatic illumination for almost a year (Sugita, 2004). These monkeys were able to match colors after extensive training, but their judgments were significantly different from those of infant monkeys who were not raised in the same environment. This suggests that early experience is important in the development of color perception. Research with human infants suggests that although human newborns (ranging from 1 to 7 days of age) are able to discriminate between certain colors, their ability to discriminate is vastly different from that of adults (Adams & Courage, 1998). The excitation purity levels that were necessary for infants to detect a difference between the colors green, red, and yellow from white were significantly higher than those necessary for adult perception. This research suggests that neonatal color vision is quite poor. For this assignment, you should examine toys targeted to infants to see if the toys are appropriate for 1) VISION ONLY, 2) MOTOR OR VISION, given what we know about infant motor, sensory, and perceptual abilities. You should go to the toy section of a store or review toys online at a URLs such You want a wide range of infant directed toys.1) Find 1 toy that you think is “appropriate for developing vision skills ” and 1 toy for developing fine motor skills/or language ” for the given age group (i.e., the age group identified by the toy manufacturer) and one toy that you think is “inappropriate” in any category. ( so 3 toys total). Work only on the specific age group: up to six months for vision, and 1 year for language/motor skills.Remember manufactures are making to sell — you have be a critical thinker to decide if what they they say on the package is actually correct!!Students should clearly articulate why they deem the toys to be appropriate or inappropriate using information from the text & research on motor, sensory, and perceptual development/skills and supportive research.Make sure to include descriptors/names of each toy (take pictures and attach if you desire) – what it’s made of/what colors, patterns, textures, etc. it has. DO NOT copy/paste the description of the toy from the packaging – put it in your own words as you are critically assessing the items – not selling it to me!. You may go online and download images from the internet. But this is a practical task that requires you to make decisions based on your learning NOT what manufacturers or marketers tell you about products.Include things such as: if you think the toy has:

    1. High contrast colors, e.g., that are easy to detect, or if the color range is restrictive, too complex not complex enough etc. (See my additional slides for color vision in infant development)
    2. If they talk about cognitive development — what do they mean exactly. Be aware of buzz words manufacturers use.
    3. If it’s for language practice – how do they get at that exactly.
    4. For fine motor skills – how big/small are the pieces – easy/difficult to manipulate etc,
    5. Compare and contrast the two items you have chosen. Be critical thinkers!
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