Short Fiction Planner
Short Fiction Planner
1. What is the point or idea you want to leave your audience with? ________________
2. What type of conflict is best? (man v. man, self, or greater force) (circle one)
3. Describe in detail the main character _________________________________________
4. Where and when does the story take place? ____________________________________
5. What background does the reader need to know (if any)?
6. Do you plan to provide the background at the beginning or as a flashback during the
story? __________________________________________________________________
7. How do we meet the main character? _________________________________________
8. Who (or what) is the antagonist? If the antagonist is a force, how will you depict that?
9. What is the inciting incident (that creates the protagonist’s problem?) ________________
10. What is the rising action? Create at least 4 events that complicate the problem ________
11. What is the climax? _______________________________________________________
12. What does the protagonist decide at this moment? _______________________________
13. What is the falling action? Create at least 2 events _______________________________
14. What is the moment of last suspense? _________________________________________
15. What (if given) is the denouement? ___________________________________________