Legal Causation

Using a minimum of 3 recent scholarly peered reviewed article less than 5yrs old for DQ 1 and 3 scholarly peer-reviewed article for DQ 2 must be cited using APA format 750 words for each topic DQ 1 and DQ2   It should be written separately Note: Please see reading references below:Topic 3 DQ1Discuss the purpose of legal causation. How does legal causation assist in prosecuting criminals? What is a dependent intervening cause?Topic 3 DQ2Discuss the distinction between the principle, the accessory before the fact, and after the fact. Describe how modern American law treats these individuals.Please see the attached study materialsReading Assignments:Read Chapters 4, 5, and 6 in Contemporary Criminal Law.URL: “Criminal Responsibility” by Lukash from Wiley Series of Encyclopedias in Criminology and Criminal Justice: The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (2014)URL: “Accomplices and Accessories” by Time from Salem Press Encyclopedia (2017).URL:

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