Counseling Verbatim

Verbatim Sample

Student Counselor’s Name: Ann


Client’s Statements



Counselor’s Statements



Rework Counselor’s





Conceptualization, Thoughts, and Comments



Grader’s Comments



(H) What I think is that this is very hard to
  do.  I think that being a good person
  is almost impossible.



Why do you think it is



You use the term good
  person.  I am wondering if you could
  tell me how a good person acts.



I am wondering who has
  defined for him, a good person and why he doesn’t think he is one.



(H) Because I always screw up.



Always, you don’t do
  anything right ever?



You seem pretty
  disappointed in yourself, can you explain more about that.



I am really wondering why
  he is upset and feeling hopeless.  His
  face seems so sad too.



(W) He seems to be frustrated a lot of the time
  and I do not know how to help, then I feel frustrated and down.



You sound pretty



(W) I am. I do the same things all the time.



So, what I am hearing you
  say Sally that you feel frustrated often because you do not know how to help
  Harry with his frustration.



Here I wanted to reflect
  how this concern is impacting both of them.



(W) Yes, that is it.



So, I would like to hear a
  bit from each of you about how you experience this internally and what you
  would like to see happen.



I could have used the
  miracle question here and asked each of them: If a miracle happened tonight
  while you were asleep and this problem was gone, what would be different in
  the morning…




(H) Hmmm… that is a good question, umm, I am
  not entirely sure… I guess I just try not to think about it and go and watch
  TV, but I would like to be able to deal with it and not frustrate her with my




Practicum Part 1
  and 2: Verbatim Grading Rubric









Points Possible



Points Earned









Clearly indicated “H” for husband and “W”: for wife on
  each statement (or he and she as appropriate).


Formatting is maintained


Name is included at the top









A meaningful 5–8 minute clip was selected


Verbatim transcriptions were included, so there is no gap
  in the dialogue (this includes words and muttering such as um, uh, ah… if the
  clients talk over one another this is also included and labeled “cross


Revised responses for the counselor are thoughtful and
  demonstrate insight.


Self-awareness column/conceptualizations demonstrate
  insight and authenticity.









Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are correct.









Length is appropriate to accompany a 5–8 minute segment.


Verbatim is turned in on time.













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