What is WK10A1 Client Termination Summary?

Practicum – Client Termination Summary

Although termination is an inevitable part of the therapeutic process, it is often difficult for clients. However, by discussing termination throughout therapy, you can better prepare your clients for life without you. Once a client has achieved his or her therapeutic goals, termination sessions should be held and documented in a client termination summary. For this Assignment, you will be writing a termination summary for a client with whom you have worked during your practicum experience.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Develop client termination summaries

To prepare:

  • For guidance on writing a client termination summary, review pages 693–712 of Wheeler (2014) in the Learning Resources.
  • Identify a client who may be ready to terminate therapy.


PLEASE Addressed each of the bullets with a subtopic, use the resources, you can use other references within last five years only to 2019. Please do not begin a paragraph with author name(s) (PLEASE USE parenthetical/in-text citations)

  • Identifying information of client (e.g., hypothetical name and age)
  • Date the client initially contacted therapist, date therapy began, duration of therapy, and date therapy will end
  • Total number of sessions, including number of missed sessions
  • Whether termination was planned or unplanned
  • Presenting problem
  • Major psychosocial issues
  • Types of services rendered (e.g., individual, couple/family therapy, group therapy)
  • Overview of treatment process
  • Goal status (goals met, partially met, unmet)
  • Treatment limitations (if any)
  • Remaining difficulties and/or concerns
  • Recommendations
  • Follow-up plan (if indicated)
  • Instructions for future contact


Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer.

  • Chapter 17, “Psychotherapy with Children” (pp. 597–624)
  • Chapter 20, “Termination and Outcome Evaluation” (pp. 693–712)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

McGillivray, J. A., & Evert, H. T. (2014). Group cognitive behavioural therapy program shows potential in reducing symptoms of depression and stress among young people with ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(8), 2041–2051. doi:10.1007/s10803-014-2087-9

Restek-Petrović, B., Bogović, A., Mihanović, M., Grah, M., Mayer, N., & Ivezić, E. (2014). Changes in aspects of cognitive functioning in young patients with schizophrenia during group psychodynamic psychotherapy: A preliminary study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 68(5), 333–340. doi:10.3109/08039488.2013.839738

Media Resources

Microtraining Associates (Producer). (2009). Leading groups with adolescents [Video file]. Alexandria, VA: Author.

Psychotherapy.net (Producer). (2002). Adlerian parent consultation [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Author.

Optional Resources

Psychotherapy.net (Producer). (2012). Group counseling with adolescents: A multicultural approach [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Author.

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