Case Conceptualization and Transcription

Part 2: Transcription AnalysisFor this part of the assignment, you will transcribe a ten-minute segment of the recorded role-play. Use the Transcription Form (linked in Resources) to create your transcript. Be sure to complete all columns in the transcription form. Format the Transcription Form columns as follows:Transcription column: Use a different row for each speaker’s words. Use “CO” for Counselor and “CL” for Client.Clinical Competencies Utilized column: (“What I Did.”) Identify clinical competencies. Competencies may include application of core counseling skills, assessment questions, diagnosis, and theory-based interventions, depending on what is demonstrated in your segment of the counseling. Examples:Reflection of experience.Minimal simple encouragement or simple empathic statement (core counseling skills).Assessment question.Identifying, acknowledging, or reviewing symptoms (link to diagnosis).Other responses that are specific to your chosen theoretical approach.Analysis of Clinical Thinking column: (“What I Was Thinking.”) Analyze your reasoning for your response. Provide a rationale that is based on the client’s statement, your theoretical approach, or both. Identify the theoretical approach by pointing out examples of your use of the model’s main concepts. Examples:”I see Audrey’s difficulty with social situations in part as being due to learned behavior” (link to theory). “Her tendency to generalize her shyness to all areas of her life keeps her from making any progress.””So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how close to your goal do you see yourself?” (Potential counselor statement in the transcription column). “Here I was using a scaling question from the solution-focused model.”Evaluation of Response column: (“What I Would Do Differently Now.”) Evaluate the effectiveness of your statements and include anything you could do differently. Example:”I think pointing out Audrey’s irrational thinking is important. At the same time, I now think I may be moving the process a bit too quickly. I think an empathic response would have been more effective here. I am basing this on how Audrey responded after I pointed out she was generalizing her negative thinking. I wish I had said __ .”RequirementsYou are expected to meet the following requirements.Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting. A title page is not required for the transcription template submission and is not possible for the treatment plan.Number of resources: Minimum of five resources. These resources must be cited in your work and a reference section should be created in the last treatment plan section.THIS IS THE CLIENT CASEHafsa is a 24-year-old Muslim woman. She was able to relocate to the United States when she was 18. She has been living on her own, taking college courses and working since that time. Recently, her family has been able to come to the United States and they have joined her. Her family is having trouble assimilating in the U.S. They expect Hafsa to work and support them, to always be available to take them where they want to go, and to serve as an interpreter, etcetera. Since Hafsa has been in the United States, she is less observant of the strict, traditional Muslim guidelines that her family practices (such as observance of holidays, prayers, customs of food, and abstaining from alcohol). This is a constant source of conflict within the family.

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