Cost-Benefit (Consequentialist) Moral Analysis Overview

Write a report discussing how a moral dilemma in your own field of study could be resolved by the application of the Kantian perspective or another Nonconsequentialist ethical theory to this dilemma.

When you are asked to apply a Nonconsequentialist (Deontological) ethical theory to a moral dilemma, you must implement moral objectivism. Moral objectivism is an important concept in ethics. It is the view that moral principles are universal and they apply to everyone. Moral objectivism is compatible with Kantian ethics and Divine Command theory. Focus on one part of Kant’s categorical imperative. This categorical imperative is an imperative that we should follow regardless of our particular desires or needs. Kant argues that feelings and attitudes differ from person to person. However, reason is universal. Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time wish that it should become a universal law. Divine Command theory is another deontological theory. This is the belief that we should follow God’s word and what is pleasing to God. Many people believe that morals are objective, so it is important to understand these theories.

This moral analysis is important because sometimes you may experience moral dilemmas in your own career. Or maybe, you want to make a case for your own position. The more you understand myriad perspectives, the better able you will be to participate in the discussions. When you learn how to compare and contrast different approaches to moral dilemmas, you will be able to respond to objections to your own position. It will also allow you to develop your own ethical voice.

Submission Specifications

  • Apply one Nonconsequentialist ethical theory to the Milestone 1 Task 1 moral dilemma you wrote about in Milestone 1.
  • Explain how a Kantian or other deontologist would resolve the dilemma.
  • Explain which theory you chose and why it would be applied this way to this moral dilemma.
  • Make sure your moral analysis is clearly written. It should not contain grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Deontological (Nonconsequentialist) Ethical Theory Moral Analysis in a Microsoft Word document named LastnameFirstinitial_M2T1_MoralAnalysis_PHI1010.doc that includes:
    • 750-word (minimum) report
    • MLA formatted content, citations, and reference list

play the role of a research intern in training, working for a non-profit international think tank that resolves ethical dilemmas for members of corporations around the world. These members are clients of the think tank. Your training entails engaging in research activities and reporting your findings to a lead.You will be led by senior advising ethicist (instructor), who in turn advises your respective clients of the think tank how to resolve an important ethical dilemma—which is the major course project. You will work on resolving ethical dilemmas in your own field of study in each milestone and submit the compilation of these resolutions as your final project in the last milestone. The senior ethicist will advise you on how to revise your submissions, and will provide final recommendations regarding how to resolve the dilemma for the clients. The senior ethicist reports to the CEO of the think tank, discussing with him or her how well you are doing and what still needs to be done regarding the your training progress.

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