2 page essay
Criteria: A minimum of two-page essay
I would like you to first identify ONE common theme explored in five different genres and then analyze why this ONE theme is important today and what you want your audience to know about this theme.
To find ONE theme and five different genres/texts, you have two options:
Option #1: continue with the 25-point quiz on connecting a theme on suffering, racism and hope among five different genre/texts in unit six: Baldwin’s short story, Murray’s argument essay, historical account of blues, Hughes’ poem, and Holiday’s song.
Option #2: you choose another literary text (short story, poem, drama) from our anthology Norton Introduction to Literature, and identify a theme from that text, then find four other genre texts that further explore that theme.
Here is a list of genres that you may want to look at:
1. TV program
2. Film
3. Poem
4. Song
5. Fiction (short story, book)
6. Non-Fiction (biography, autobiography)
7. Academic essay
8. Blog
9. Website
10. Youtube clip
11. Social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter)
12. Visual images (art, graphs, cartoons)
Not sure where to begin if you choose option #2? Here are some suggestions:
Suggestion #1: Read Joyce Carol Oates “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” on pg. 125 in Norton anthology. A potential theme is sexual predatory behavior and sexual objectification of girls and young women. This short story can be your first genre. Then for the remaining four, you can choose website on #MeTooMovement, a Youtube clip on the sexual objectification of girls, an advertisement that hypersexualizes young girls, and an interview by the author Joyce Carol Oates on her short story.
Suggestion #2: Read excerpts from Tim O’Brien’s Things They Carried on pg. 562 in our Norton anthology. A potential theme is war and the struggle to assert and keep one’s humanity in the midst of physical and psychological violence. The excerpts from O’Brien’s novel is your first genre. Then for your remaining four genre texts, you can choose a documentary on O’Brien in the Vietnam war found on Youtube, an argument essay found in Norton anthology by Stephen Kaplan on pg. 577, a graph showing the percentage of PTSD among returning veterans, and a blog on the emotional and physical demands of combat men and women.
To Whom are you writing and what is your purpose?
Audience:The audience and purpose of your paper is to write to the academic community. The academic community is made up of scholars and budding intellectuals who expect successful integration of quotes and summaries, in addition to formal language, proper grammar, and college-level vocabulary. More importantly, your academic audience will examine every single word and challenge every viewpoint you make. This means that you will need to be prepared for the skeptical reader who will expose any weaknesses he or she identifies.
Purpose: The purpose of this writing activity is to explore how a deep conversation on an important social theme is occurring across different genres. Most likely you have not written on a topic like this, so you may be a bit confused. Please make sure you read the four questions below to help you develop your paper:
1. What important insight does each separate genre (text) provide on this theme?
2. How is this theme an occurring issue today?
3. Would anyone disagree that this theme is not a significant or real issue people are grappling with?
4. What should the reader know about the theme to fully understand how serious it is?
**Please make sure you integrate a passage from each text
Writing Resources:
Your submission essay must be a word document or in PDF only! All other formats will not be accepted. Please also make sure that your essay is in proper MLA format. If you need a review, please click here: How to set up MLA format Canvas link.
Here is an example of an outline for the two-page paper. This is only a recommendation. Please do not feel you have to set up your paper like this. For some of you, this outline will feel too restrictive, so please do not feel obligated to use it. There are multiple ways to address your audience.
Click here if you need help with in-text citation.
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