Week 7 Female Household Working Hours Effects Data Analysis Paper

Your Term Paper assignment involves two main tasks.

The first is to, essentially, create a question in the spirit of that from the Week 7 Assignment, but using different variables that you will select from the ACS. In particular, you will select an outcome variable (in my question, this was female work hours) and then a variable that separates the sample into two groups (in my question, this was women that have either 1 or 2 children.) You’ll select six observations at random from the 2015 ACS from PUMA 0608511, three from each group, and arrange the data in a table as in the Week 7 assignment. Finally, you’ll carry out a difference in means test using these six observations, and say whether there is a statistically significant difference in the outcome variable across the two groups.

The second main task is to review an econometric literature that relates to your question. You will search for scholarly, academic articles that have been published in peer-reviewed journals using EconLit, JSTOR and Google Scholar. You will identify three articles, provide one sentence commentary on each one, as well as an introductory and concluding sentence, to make a concise one-paragraph literature review. (This is only a mini-term paper, after all!)

In all the term paper will have five sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature Review and Related Economic Theory
  3. Data
  4. Analysis
  5. Conclusion

You will also have a References section, with three references, using appropriate bibliographic citation format.[1] So technically there are six sections, but the five above will contain writing, including a table and some equations.

In the introduction, you state the research question. The research question may also be the title of your paper but the intro elaborates on this question, and provides some motivation for it; tell the reader why it is important and worthy of their time. Shoot for one, five-sentence paragraph.

The literature review section should also be one paragraph, as mentioned above, and should discuss three related studies. Search 1.) the JSTOR database (visit http://library.calstate.edu/sanjose/databases/alphabetical?alpha=J (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., to find the link to JSTOR; once there, limit your search to Econ journals under Advanced Search, and search using keywords in your area of interest; 2.) the EconLit database (to get there, change the end of the link above from “J” to “E”). You can search EconLit by keyword; try also to search by subject (SU) and JEL code: https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.; 3.) Often there is one “seminal” article that most researchers who are studying similar topics to you cite. If this is true for the area you are studying (and even if it isn’t) go to Google Scholar, search for a study, and click the link next to the ” button. This is a convenient way of doing a cited reference search, and as already mentioned the “ button is a convenient way to get perfectly formatted bibliographic citations. (Note: When you find articles on Google or through other web search, you will often need to access the university’s subscriptions. Our library subscribes to most scholarly journals.[2] Articles from the JSTOR and EconLit databases are safe choices to qualify as peer-reviewed academic or scholarly articles. If you know a journal you want to search, go to http://library.sjsu.edu/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and click Journal Titles. Enter the journal title. You can also use Google Scholar to link to articles in the SJSU library without having to enter in your Student ID and password; on Google Scholar, set up “library links” under “settings”.)

The Data section will briefly describe the American Community Survey (I know what this data set is, but I want to read that you, the author, can describe it at least reasonably well.) Then describe the variables you are using for analysis. You should provide a description of each variable you use, arranged in a Table of Variable Descriptions. You can then present the six observations you select for analysis in another table.

The analysis section describes the calculations for the difference in means test for the six observations, calculates the test statistic, and rejects or does not reject the null hypothesis of no difference in means. Show the equations involved in calculating the test statistic, and then present the results in a table like Table 1.1 from Mastering Metrics (yours will a lot smaller as you only have one outcome variable.) If the paper also analyzes a larger sample than just the minimum required sample size of six observations, the results of that analysis can also be presened here.

Finally, the Conclusion briefly summarizes the results and indicates whether the findings were consistent with previous studies. You should try to comment here on whether the correlations you study in this paper should be interpreted as any sort of causal effect, and perhaps how one could extend this analysis in the future.

Having examined the ACS_2015_Holian_Workbook.xlsx file from which the data used in Week 7 Assignment was taken (this is the “Small” Excel file,) you will have seen how I gathered the six observations used in that difference in means test. Study that Week 7 problem, as the largest part of your term paper assignment is basically to make up your own problem along the exact same lines.

An analysis of six observations in the minimum standard for earning a passing grade on the term paper. Students should also carry out the same test on a larger (potentially much larger) sample as well. Ideally you can carry out the test using the full sample of PUMA 0608511 using R Studio. It would be sufficient for this assignment if you just report the values of the two variables (the “outcome” or dependent variable and the binary group-selector variable) for six observations, and then carry out the test, but then getting a passing grade on the paper would also require also having a good literature review section. Whereas, if you attempt to analyze a sample larger than six, I will be more forgiving if the literature review isn’t very well done. In other words you can earn a sort of “extra credit” for attempting larger samples. I don’t want to overwhelm students who are struggling with R Studio, hence the requirement of only six observations, but ultimately there’s a lot of “big data” in the world, and it would be good if you can figure out how to use a computer to analyze it.

In fact, there are millions of observations in the ACS that you can access relatively easily. Create an account at https://usa.ipums.org/usa/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and download a CSV file. You can download data for the whole US, for multiple years, and just the variables you need. Email me and I can help you if you want to go this ambitious but totally doable route.

You will get points for producing and answering a question of the form described above, using six actual observations from the ACS. You will also get points for producing a question that relates to an interesting causal question from economics, as well as effectively reviewing relevant papers. You don’t have to discuss the previously published papers in detail, but instead must just say what they did and what they found in general terms, and how it relates to what you’re doing.

Finally, please upload your submission as either a PDF or DOC or DOCX file.

[1] To do this easily, go to Google Scholar, search for a study, and click the ” button. Select “Chicago” format or “APA” or whichever you prefer, and select the same citation format for all three articles.

[2]Various metrics rank journals according to “impact factors” such as those at: https://ideas.repec.org/top/top.journals.simple.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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