week 7 post to the topic and reply to 2 students, writing homework help
Discussion: This week you are learning how to perform financial statement analysis. post on the below topic and reply to 2 students posts
- Pick a publicly traded corporation and locate their annual report; you can even use the one you picked for a discussion board question back in Week 3
- Use their financial statements to compute seven ratios based on the financial statements you find
- Show what you computed for these seven ratios
- Explain what each ratio says about the financial health of the company
below are the 2 student posts
Hannah Burke in response to this Topic
1/16/2017 7:45 PM EST | 207 words
1)Current Ratio
=1.00 to 1
This is good that the company is pretty much a 1 to 1 ratio because that means they are usually meeting their goals and they are not falling behind.
2) Acid-test Ratio
=.96 to 1
Even though this number is below one that is okay because it is very close to 1 and other ratios will reflect off of this number and it also shows that the company is doing very well.
3)Debt-to-Equity Ratio
=.95 to 1
This is not a very good number because it is saying that the company does not have a very good chance for expanding. As the years have gone on the number has gotten bigger. Apple needs to work to get this number down.
4)Times Interest Earned
=55.4 times
This is good for the company to have a large number because if it is higher it says shows there is not as much debt. Which a company does not want.
5)Profit margin Ratio
This number is showing the company’s ability to earn net income, because if they type of company apple is it requires a higher number.
6)Total Asset turnover
=.89 times
This is the company’s ability to earn sales so if the number is higher it means the company is doing a good job earning sales.
7)Return on Total Assets
Younes Elkhalloufi in response to this Topic
1/17/2017 2:12 AM EST | 117 words
7 ratios for H & M Hennes & Mauritz – 2015
1. Working capital: (12950+5869+24833+1884) – (6000+13745+3192)= $22,599
this calculation shows that H&M more likely to meet its current obligation.
2. Current ratio: (12950+5869+24833+1884) / (6000+13745+3192) = 1.98
this ratio indicates that the company could pay short-term and long-term obligations.
3. Quick ratio: (12950+5869) / (6000+13745+3192) = 0.82
H&M has a good ration concerning the amount of assets that could be converted quickly into cash versus the amount of current liabilities
4. Debt to equity: 27764 / 58049 = 0.47
the creditors supplied $0.47 for each $1 supplied by shareholders
5. Earnings per share: 4820 / 1655.07 = 2.91
as far as the company’s profitability, $2,91 of income for each common stock.
6. Times interest earned: 6301 / 1481 = 4.25
the company is able 5.24 times to pay its lenders for interest.
7. Return on stockholders’ equity: 4820 / 58049 = %8.3
H&M generated %8.3 of profit using the money provided by the stockholders’