Disaster Recovery Plan Paper

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  1. It is important to note that IT is not just susceptible to man-made threats but also natural hazards and disasters. Organizations need to be prepared.

    You have been asked by the IT Manager of the small company you work for to create a Disaster Recovery Plan template that will be used when disasters occur.

    Create a Disaster Recovery Plan template for your company using the “Disaster Recovery Plan Outline” in the “Simple Disaster Recovery Plan” section in Ch. 10, “Planning for Contingencies,” of
    Management of Information Security as an example. Include a 1-page summary that covers what options should be used to prevent data loss or restore corrupted data. Also, identify the prominent security standards, organizations, and relevant certification that will be needed.

    A few months later it is tornado season, and your manager has asked you to fill out a Disaster Recovery Plan for the company.

    Use the Disaster Recovery Plan template to assess the information technology infrastructure of your organization and identify the procedures needed in the event a tornado actually causes damage to the organization.


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