PSY 331 Psychology of Learning WK3-D1

Cognition and Our EnvironmentPrior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapter 4: Cognition,  Learning, and the Environment in your required e-book, review the  article “Socially Situated Cognition in Perspective” and the Instructor  Guidance, and view the video What Are Schemas? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..Cognition incorporates numerous variables that are suggested to  affect how we learn. For this discussion please address the following  theories that support this suggestion:Evaluate and discuss the applicability of Piaget’s theory of  cognitive development. Why are developmental phases important to  consider when addressing how we learn?How does effective schema development affect our ability to move knowledge (memories) from working memory to long-term memory?How do the differing types of schema (Table 4.2: Types of  comprehension-associated schema in your required e-book) potentially  play differing roles? Why might one type of schema be harder for a  person to develop than another?How does the term reciprocal determinism further explain the dynamic  of learning that is suggested to be affected by our environment?  (social learning theory and social cognitive theory)Based on your previous answers, how do these sub-theories and frameworks affect your own learning success, past and future?

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