HMD402 UNLV Forgetting Intentional Act And Memory Storing Discussion

1) Forgetting can occur as the result of many different types of actions; for example, you may not have the correct cue for retrieval. However, some individuals would argue that forgetting is an intentional act and that, in order to forget something, one must make a conscious effort to do so. Do you support this reasoning? Why or why not? (120 Words)

2) Memory is the component for storing and retrieving information. So to remember both things just said and information heard before which might be important for the conversation. Whereas language serves for following the conversational partner, to understand what he says and to reply to him in an understandable way. This is not a simple process which can be learned within days. In childhood everybody learns to communicate, a process lasting for years. Class, how does this work? (120 words)

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