CaseStudy for MetaCarta, assignment help

Case studies are a great way to apply your new knowledge to a real world situation. This week you will read and interpret the DayOnce case study located in your textbook.

• Chapter 10 Case Study: MetaCarta (Entrepreneurship 3rd Ed; Bygrave & Zacharakis; pages 413– 421).

Write a ONE page paper.



Address the following in your paper:

1. Why has this deal attracted venture capital?

2.Should MetaCarta take the Sevin Rosen offer?

3. How was the valuation determined? Is there anything MetaCarta could do to improve the valuation?

4.What would you, as an angel investor think about the current terms? What, if anything, can you do about it?

Do not restate the questions in the essay when answering.

You are allowed to go beyond the questions as far as your personal opinion on the Case Study but those questions must be answered.

Atached is the reading for the case study

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