HDFS442 MSU Ethnic Families In America Assignment

HDFS 442: Ethnic Families in America

Cultural Exploration Rough Draft

Throughout this course, you will be exposed to ethnic families from various cultural and/or population groups. Some groups may be familiar to you, while others may not. This is a chance for you to expand your knowledge about a population that you have an identified interest in.

The purpose of this final cultural exploration paper is for you to learn a greater knowledge about a topic of interest that you individually have within our course. The topic that you choose should:

  • Connect to a problem or topic of interest for one of the seven groups we will discuss throughout the semester
  • Be framed within a human service context (meaning the topic you choose must be of interest to human service professionals)

Here are some examples of projects:

Example #1: One potential topic could be based on a potential career interest or a population group you would like to work with after graduation. In this case, you could pick a topic of interest to that population group to research in greater depth.

Example #2: You could pick an issue that may be important across various population groups and compare and contrast that issue against more than one (maybe two-four) population groups.

Example #3: Let’s say you are interested in immigration and you decide you want to study refugees, this could be an acceptable project, however, we may ask you to refine your topic, as it may be too broad. A way to refine the scope maybe to pick an age range (say families with children birth to five; or a population from a particular country, etc.)

Bottom line: please make this assignment useful to you. If you have a professional interest for working with a particular population- I encourage you to do outside research and learn more about this topic.

  • At least 3 pages (typed, double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins) of your paper and clearly show the future direction of the final version and your plan to complete the rest. (7 points)

Rubric for Rough Draft


Points Possible

Did you Complete?

Rough Draft

At least 3 pages (typed, double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins) of your paper that clearly shows the future direction of the final version and your plan to complete the rest.

Submit a completed Appendix A: Planning Document



Assignment should be:

  • Typed, double spaced, 12 point font.
  • 3 page paper; re-attach your proposal; completed Appendix A
  • All items listed in the rubric should be thoroughly covered to receive full credit.

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