The qualities of a Good Summary Discussion response
In this discussion, you are being asked to consider the qualities of a good summary.
Respond to the following:
• What is a summary exactly?
• What kinds of information does it include?
• What tone should you use in writing an effective summary?
Post your primary response (150 – 200 words). Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students. Read and respond to the conclusions drawn by at least two of your classmates. Remember to read the feedback to your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module.
1 A summary is a general characterization of an article or topic which captures the overarching ideas of an article or topic. It is best to use your own words or paraphrase the main ideas of an article in a short and succinct manner. You begin framing a summary by reading and highlighting key points that touch on the overall theme of the topic. Taking notes is also a useful tool in guiding your summary. Once you have analyzed the key points and themes from your notes you can begin writing your opening statement for your summary Then you can begin identifying who, what, where, and why of the article. Including several examples that are properly cited helps reinforce your thesis statement and reinforces key themes from the article and your thesis statement. Your summary should be able to be understood easily without using jargon or uncommon technical terms presented in the article; unless it is a direct quote or supporting scientific verbiage that helps support the main idea. The overall tone of your summary should be relatable to your audience while also considering the type article and you are summarizing. For example, if you are summarizing an academic article to a fellow classmate, your tone should be focused on your classmates understanding and syntax.
Wong Ken, Stephanie. “How to Start a Summary Paragraph.” wikiHow, Dec 2018,…
2. Summarizing to me is the consolidating and abbreviating of a subject. Condensing it in a clear and concise manner that your intended audience can grasp the subject at hand. Taking what you know about the subject and making it easier to swallow rather than trying to gulp down a huge amount of information. Without going too in depth on the subject and hitting the points of importance you can still get the main idea across without getting into the weeds.
The information you would like to have in a summary would be who the Author is and what the overall subject is. Depending on the work you are summarizing you would want to include the plot for their book; or the conclusion they drew from the research done. The main ideas and some of their supporting evidence should be a part of the summary. I would ensure not to drag out any one idea too much. That would negate the shortening of it all. I would keep the Author’s inner workings and research out of it to keep the summary from becoming its own research paper.
My audience would dictate how I lay out the summary. Knowing who will be reading it would help me better set the tone for my paper. Being that you are trying to get a big idea into a small bite size paper, you would want it to be fairly easy to read. Making sure it is simple, to the point, and not using overly technical terminology that may confuse someone. For all intents and purposes you want it to be reader friendly without sacrificing the main ideas and over all scope of the work being summarized.
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