codes & charts

Complete the code below, some of which is valid code and some pseudo code that needs to be fleshed out and clearly commented. Submit your pseudo code and flowcharts, finished code, and a test run of the code in two documents. Cite all sources which have informed your coding. Share the process of completing this assignment.

  • public class TestAutomobiles
  • {
  • public static void main(String[] args)
  • {
  • Create a new Automobile(1451, “Chevrolet”, “Camaro”, “red”, 2010, 24.5);
  • Create another new Automobile(145188, “Ford”, “Focus”, “white”, 2019, 75);
  • Display auto1 information
  • Display auto2 information
  • auto1.setId(-3);
  • display(auto1, “bad ID”);
  • auto1.setId(2222);
  • display(auto1, “good ID”);
  • auto1.setMake(“Toyota”);
  • auto1.setModel(“Corolla”);
  • display(auto1, “chnage make and model”);
  • auto2.setId(8686);
  • auto2.setColor(“blue”);
  • auto2.setYear(2016);
  • display(auto2, “change ID, color, and year”);
  • auto2.setMpg(4);
  • display(auto2, “bad mpg”);
  • auto2.setMpg(30);
  • display(auto2, “good mpg”);
  • }
  • public static void display(Automobile auto, String msg)
  • {
  • Screen print a message, an ID, a make, a model , a color, a year, milage per gallon
  • }
  • }
  • public class Automobile
  • {
  • private int id;
  • private String make;
  • private String model;
  • private String color;
  • private int year;
  • private double mpg;
  • // Constructor
  • public Automobile(int id, String make, String model, String color,
  • int year, double mpg)
  • {
  • setId(id);
  • setMake(make);
  • setModel(model);
  • setColor(color);
  • setYear(year);
  • setMpg(mpg);
  • }
  • // setters
  • Set setId(int id)
  • Set setMake(String make)
  • Set setModel(String model)
  • Set setColor(String color)
  • Set year setYear(int yr)
  • Set setMpg(double mpg)
  • {
  • //Getters
  • Getter for getId()
  • Getter for getMake()
  • Getter for getModel()
  • Getter for getColor()
  • Getter for getYear()
  • Getter for getMpg()
  • }

Submission Details:

  • Create the code and sample run files.
  • Zip the files as SU
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