Disscussion 2

Ethics and Moral Development
Prepare Icon Prepare: In preparing for this discussion, you should first review the Week Two required resources that focus on ethics and morals. This will help assist you in examining your own development of ethical and moral responsibilities.
Reflect Icon Reflect: Take a deeper look at your own life and determine which experiences have inspired ethical and moral reasoning. Were there any huge influences in this process?

Write Icon

Write: For this discussion you will address the following prompts:

  • Explain what it means to be ethical as it relates to personal, academic, and professional growth.
  • Provide at least one ethical dilemma you have encountered and describe how the issue was resolved.
  • Describe how your general education courses have influenced your ethical values.
  • Explain why a college-educated person might have different duties to society than someone not as educated.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt. You are required to provide in-text citations of applicable required reading materials and/or any other outside sources you use to support your claims. Provide full reference information of all sources cited at the end of your response. Please use correct APA format when writing in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and references (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

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