MBA6271 Capella Strategic Management Plan For Healthcare Organisations


You will use the same organization used in the previous assessments.

If you wish, complete A Balanced Scorecard for Change, located in the Suggested Resources section of this assessment. You will not submit the PDF you generate, but will use the information to develop an executive summary and a PowerPoint presentation. You will not be required to deliver the presentation. You will also need to support the information you present in this assessment with references to at least 10 professional resources; you should already have at least 10 resources from your previous assessments.

The Executive Summary should be no more than 1–2 pages that summarize the key points of your strategic management plan. It allows busy executives to see the high points of a report or other document without the need to read the entire document. The use of bullet points within the executive summary is highly encouraged.

Your PowerPoint presentation should be developed with the board of directors and other key stakeholders in mind and will outline a strategy to implement your strategic management plan.

In the real world, you would typically have 15 minutes to present your PowerPoint presentation and take questions. Therefore, it is very important to get your points across as directly and succinctly as possible. There is no required number of slides for your presentation; however, if you end up with less than eight slides, you may not be fully addressing the implementation of your strategic plan. On the other hand, if your presentation is more than 15 slides, you would likely not be able to make your presentation in the allotted time. Be direct, be clear, be succinct; and be sure you use the notes feature to expand the points on each slide of your presentation.

Assessment Requirements

Please be sure that you complete and submit both parts of this assessment.

Part 1: Executive Summary

Draft a 1–2 page executive summary in which you:

  • Evaluate the role of an effective planning process in the strategic management of the health care organization.
    • Briefly explain the planning process and key roles and analyze the planning strategies used in the past in relation to their successes and failures.
  • Apply strategic management principles to analyze the mission, vision, core values, goals, and governance of the health care organization.
    • Briefly explain the connection between the mission, vision, core values, goals, and governance of the organization and the strategic planning process used.
  • Analyze the effect of internal and external environments on the strategic planning process.
    • Briefly explain how the internal and external factors affect both the operational and financial aspects of strategic planning.
  • Recommend strategies to improve the operational and financial components of the health care organization.

Be sure you include a title page and reference page (for any resources cited in the summary) even though these would all typically be included in the longer report that you submitted for Assessment 5.

Please note: You must submit both parts of this assessment at the same time. If you submit Part 1 without also attaching Part 2, you will not be able to submit Part 2 later.

Part 2: PowerPoint Presentation

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that explains the implementation of your strategic management plan. Include the following:

  • Define the primary problem that is being addressed.
  • Provide your ultimate recommendation to address the problem. This should be based on and supported by the analyses you conducted in previous assessments.
  • Explain the resources needed to implement your recommendation.
    • Human resources.
    • IT resources.
    • Other resources.
  • Explain the costs associated with implementing your recommendation. (Note: This does not require providing dollar estimates; this is only an explanation of the types of costs that would be associated with implementing your strategic plan.)
    • Will the plan require additional staff and training?
    • Will the plan require new or additional software or hardware and training?
  • Analyze the benefits of implementing your plan in terms of:
    • Quality health care service delivery.
    • Quality of work environment for staff.
    • Addressing changes in the external environment over the next five years.
    • Addressing the needs of stakeholders.
  • A conclusion that asks for stakeholder buy-in.

Keep your intended audience in mind as you prepare your presentation. Visual appeal should be considered, as should the items you include on each slide. Remember to use the speaker notes to expand your talking points and provide any references. You should be sure to include a title slide that accurately describes your presentation, as well as a reference slide for any resources cited.

Additional Requirements

For the executive summary:

  • Length: 1–2 pages, not including title page and reference page.
  • References: A minimum of three professional resources.
  • Format: Use APA format for all in-text citations and references. Include a title page and reference page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

For the PowerPoint presentation:

  • Length: At least eight slides, but no more than 15 slides.
  • References: A minimum of 10 professional resources.
  • Format: Use APA format for all in-text citations and references. Include a title slide and reference slide.
  • Font and font size: You may use any font you wish for the PowerPoint; just be sure it can be easily read by your audience.
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