A. Compile an annotated list of references in APA format of 10 multicultural books in the following selected categories that are appropriate for classroom use (Specify the appropriate age(s) and/or grade level(s) for each book):
• African culture
• Asian culture
• Native American culture
• Mexican or Central American culture
• Urban American culture
• Rural American culture
Note: You may substitute one or two of the above cultures with others that are more representative of your area. Please identify the local choices more clearly if a substitution occurs. Include books from at least six different cultures.
Note: Include a variety of genres including, but not limited to, folktales, myths and fables, poetry, modern fiction, nonfiction, or biography.
1. Specify the following for each book in the annotated list:
a. Reference information in APA format:
• Title
• Author
• Date of publication
• Publisher
b. Appropriate age and/or grade level(s)
c. Topic or Theme
d. Genre
e. Cultural category
• Honors awarded (if any)
B. Include a brief description of each book.