EDDL625 Concordia College And Career Friends Or Foes Research Paper Help

Friends or Foes

Achieve and the American Diploma Project Network (2009) indicated that there is a “convergence in the expectations of employers and colleges in terms of the knowledge and skills high school grads need to be successful after high school” (p. 1). For this discussion, reflect on the following questions:

  • Are college readiness and career readiness the same? Explain. What is the relationship between the two concepts? Use the required readings as well as independent research to justify your response.
  • Review the descriptors used in last week’s discussion to distinguish college eligibility from college readiness. Are some of the college readiness descriptors applicable to career readiness?
  • Review the educational requirements needed for an entry-level position with your organization. Are some of the college-readiness descriptors applicable to the reviewed position? What can you conclude from your findings?

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

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Achieve, Inc. (2009). What is college- and career-ready? Retrieved from http://www.achieve.org/what-college-and-career-rea…

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