website design, writing homework help

Part 1

Create an external style sheet with at least 2 of the following styles:

  • A background color for the Web pages
  • A text color for at least one of the Web page elements
  • A font-family for at least one of the Web page elements

Note: You may include additional styles to help complete your site.

Part 2

Create a link element to connect the external cascading style sheet (CSS) to the HTML code. Then, place the link element in each of your three Web pages. This element gets placed in the <head> section (usually line 5) of the code.

The following is an example of CSS code for an external style sheet with three style changes that will be saved as style.css:

body {

color: #0000FF;

background-color: #00FFFF;

font-family: Arial;


Part 3

You will see a sample of HTML5 code for the index.html page with the <link> element to connect the files. You will need to add in the link element to all of the pages of your Web site. Otherwise, the styles will not appear on the second and third pages of the site.

The following is a sample of the index.html code with the <link> element inserted into the <head> section:

<!DOCTYPE html>




<!– Add your link element to your code. For example: –>

<link href=”style.css” rel=”Stylesheet” type=”text/css” />




<img src=”logoimage1.jpg” height=”300″ width=”300″ alt=”logo image”>

<h1>Sample Web site</h1>



<a href=”index.html”>Home</a>

<a href=”about.html”>About</a>

<a href=”contact.html”>Contact</a>



<h3>Continue to add content for the homepage.</h3>



<h4>Copyright year, your name, date, class, section number</h4>




For this assignment, submit 3 HTML files that each contain a link element to an external CSS, submit 1 external cascading style sheet with at least two styles, and submit an image or graphics file that is compressed in a zip folder.

Please submit your assignment.

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