Visualizing The Monster

Visualizing the Monster

Monsters Anime


In order to better understand the image and style components that make up a modern researcher’s toolkit, students will submit a visual presentation of their research project as their final.


Produce a PowerPoint, prezi, or video on your research topic. This presentation should contain an overview of your findings in a concise and entertaining presentation.

Create a PowerPoint slideshow: 20 slides minimum, include facts about your Monster, and images of the “monster”

The following should be included in your presentation:

  • Abstract on your project
  • Introduction to your topic
  • Research process and methods
  • Critical or Philosophical perspectives use in analysis of data
  • Results of your research
  • Implications & applications of your research
  • Reflection
  • Works Cited

You can use research paper, or any information and images found on the web to complete the research assignment. Make sure the information you find is from a credible source.


  • Make sure you cite all information taken from another source and you cite all your images

Requirements: Write a Powerpoint, Prezi or video Presentation on your topic that is at least 20 slides and presents a clear argument

  • Should use a minimum of 8 Sources from the Annotated Bibliography with quotes from each source that are cited correctly with MLA
  • Images should be used to visually convey your argument and cited properly with MLA
  • This is an argument presentation, so it should not be an essay copy and pasted on to slides nor should it be an outline of a paper
  • The Visual presentation is a hybrid between the research paper and an oral presentation. Please click on the link to get more details: Visual Research Presentation Guidelines
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