Write a well developed comparison/contrast paper – topic -– compare yourself to one of your relatives per the in class directions (i.e. review the comparison sample handout and read this essay hand-out carefully). Length of paper: 750-1,000 typed words —

Write a well developed comparison/contrast paper – topic

-– compare yourself to one of your relatives per the in class directions (i.e. review the comparison sample handout and read this essay hand-out carefully). Length of paper: 750-1,000 typed words — courier new 12 point font, double-spaced. You may focus on differences and/or similarities. Per the essay 2 comparison sample handout, it is important to develop subject A and subject B equally. For this assignment, it is appropriate to utilize first person, but try to avoid beginning each sentence with “I” to make your writing stronger. I picked my sister you can say whatever you like in the essay that’s is good

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