The African Americans Research Paper

  1. Please this group:
  • African Americans

Outline Requirements:

  1. Clearly identify the group you selected
  2. Construct a clear, precise research question around the topic of education and improved socioeconomic status
  3. Provide an outline that includes a clear idea of where you will be going in your essay and:
    1. Introduction
    2. Historic data
    3. Today’s data
    4. Change over time
    5. Be sure you examine the multiple aspects of education, the various levels, etc. You may also want to include military service as an alternative to just school.
    6. Compare the group’s progress to others; how do they compare, and what is going on behind the scenes to impact these statistics?
    7. YOUR analysis and examination of possible solutions you have found, as well as your own ideas, and conclusion.

    minimum of 450 words not icluding reference

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