Looking Back and Looking Ahead


Corrections in the United States has many angles and dimensions. Throughout this course, different facets of the corrections system have been explored, focusing on components, roles, responsibilities, purposes, and functions. The dilemmas of corrections include mission, methods, structure, personnel, and costs. In looking ahead, the challenges for U.S. corrections include reinvigorating a new correctional leadership, refocusing investments on what works, and reclaiming the moral and ethical high road.

To better understand the different dimensions of corrections and related potential societal impacts, suppose you have been tasked with addressing the following.

In your initial discussion post:

  • Explore one corrections dilemma in the context of the corrections-related process.
  • Predict the future direction of reform in corrections, based on a current challenge in corrections.
  • Explain how the future of corrections can impact a criminal justice career.
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