week 4 ….look in the requirements for instructions

Week 4 Assignment 1

Background Information/Scenario:

During your studies at Monroe College, you are taking classes to learn about your major course of study as preparation to enter your future career. As you progress in your major, you probably read about incidents in print/online newspapers or magazines, and sometimes these incidents make you question decisions/policies within your future industry. When you learn about these incidents you think to yourself: “this could have been prevented”, “it could have been handled better”, “why don’t they develop a policy to prevent this from happening?”, “isn’t there a more efficient way to handle this?” – the list of questions is endless.

For example, as a criminal justice major you may have read articles about domestic violence victims who refuse to press charges against his/her abuser and then are murdered. Maybe you thought to yourself: “why wasn’t the abuser arrested even though the victim didn’t want to press charges”? Your thought process actually questions police policy.

Assignment 1:

Your formal long report will explore these issues in your major course of study/industry, and will require that you recommend solutions to address the problem/issue (recommendation report).

Part 1:

1)In order to begin the project, this week you will locate a newspaper/magazine articles via the Internet about a recent incident in your major course of study.

2)Next you will write a summary of that article AND

3)Then, identify the issue the incident raises about your industry (employee turnover, criminal recidivism, nurse staffing levels,etc).

Part 2: Once you have identified the issue, you will conduct a Boolean search via the Monroe College Library electronic databases to: https://monroecollege.libguides.com/c.php?g=852547…

A. Locate 4 scholarly and trade journal articles that discuss the issue AND

B. Write a summary of each of the articles’ findings. Be sure to refer to the website evaluation checklist http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/EvalForm.pdf to determine if your Internet source is appropriate for academic use.

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