Interview of an Elderly, writing homework help
I need help in writing my paper.
Submit a 3-4 page paper (not including cover page, abstract, or References page) that includes the following 3 parts. Follow the format listed below.
Part I. (10 points) Introduction. Background information on the individual.
Part II. Interview an elderly individual. Ask the person the following questions. Thank the person for agreeing to the interview. Assure him or her that the answers will remain confidential, only to be shared with the professor for educational purposes, and that none of his or her identifying information will be included. Do not put real names in this paper.
- (10 points) Ask if the person is single, married, divorced, or widowed. How does the person feel about that?
- According to text learning, what does the marital status predict about longevity?
- (10 points) Does the person have children? How many? Grandchildren? Do they live close by? How often do they visit?
- (10 points) Who does the person have regular social contact with? What activities does the person engage in with friends?
- According to text learning, what does the social contact in the above two questions predict about longevity?
- (10 points) Does the person still drive? If not, who takes the person to appointments?
- According to text learning, what does the sense of autonomy and control predict about longevity?
- What does it predict about life satisfaction?
- (10 points) What does the person currently do to keep mentally active?
- According to text learning, what does this level of activity predict about mental health?
- What does it predict about cognitive health?
- (10 points) What does the person currently do to keep physically active?
- What does this level of activity predict about mental health?
- What does it predict about cognitive health?
- What does it predict about longevity?
- (5 points) What medical conditions does the person have? What medications does the person take?
- Is this person’s medical health normative for his or her age?
- (5 points) What does the person consider to be his or her strengths? What is the person struggling with that used to be easy? How has he or she adapted to maintain functioning?
- (10 points) Develop five questions of your own (based on key themes in the text) that might be valuable, and tie the results into text learning to make predictions on the person’s well-being and longevity. Record your questions and answers verbatim.
- If you were assigned to be a home health nurse for this person (the person that you interviewed, after a minor procedure), what would your intervention be based on his/her current level of functioning? Make sure to include:
- A set of physical interventions
- A set of cognitive interventions
- A set of social/emotional interventions
- If you were assigned to be a home health nurse for this person (the person that you interviewed, after a minor procedure), what would your intervention be based on his/her current level of functioning? Make sure to include:
NOTE: 10% of your grade will depend on adherence to APA Style formatting guidelines.
Your paper should:
- Use APA Style formatting.
- Use the sample paper posted in the APA Style section of the Hondros Library as a guide.
- Before submitting your paper, use the interactive APA Formatting Checklist to make sure that you meet all of the APA Style requirements for this assignment. Answer the questions honestly, and you will be directed to resources to help you complete this aspect of the assignment.
- Be numbered as the prompts above are numbered, for ease of grading.
- Should include a cover page, abstract, and reference page
- A cover page contains your information and is the first page of your paper.
- An abstract, which should be 50-250 words, is basically a summary of your paper and is found on the second page. An abstract should preview your paper to your readers, but should not contain as much detail as your paper
- A References page is the last page of your paper and should contain more detailed information about each citation in your paper
- A citation is where, in your paper, you give credit to the source of your information. As a general rule, anything which is not common knowledge or your own thoughts/ideas needs to be cited.
- Be typed, double spaced, have 1 inch margins, and be in a 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Consist of 3-4 pages of content (not including the cover page, abstract or reference page)
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