visual arts summary, art & design homework help

Visual Arts Summary

Research one painting, sculpture, or work of architecture. You may choose an example from the text or from an online, academic resource.(The painting chosen is the Mona Lisa)

Write a 350- to 700-word summary describing your selected work of art or architecture. Include the following in your description:

  • A description of the use of color, line, composition, or other formal elements in the work
  • A description of the types of media or materials used in the work
  • An overview of the subject represented or the style of architecture

Apply APA format and use each bullet as a section head. Include introduction and conclusion. The book Sporre, D. J. (2013). Reality through the arts (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, may be used as a reference.

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