Management Orientation Program Proposal In Health Care Presentation

Management Orientation Program Proposal

For this final project, you have the opportunity to create a proposal to present to the leadership team for the orientation of new nurse managers. This project will include the creation of an orientation plan in a PowerPoint presentation. Leadership and management topics will be selected to support the nurse manager as he or she transitions into the new role. Look back at our coursework and readings from the last 7 weeks to compile specific topics to support a new nurse manager as they get acclimated to the organization or unit. APA citations expected. Follow PowerPoint format guidelines for layout and bulleted key points.

Your proposal should include:comunication and relationship building;knowledge of the health care environment ; leaderships ;delegation ;professionalism;business skill; patient center care;multicultural competencie

  • Introductory and concluding remarks
  • Slides that identify 8 specific topics to support the new nurse manager
  • Learning objectives for the lesson(s)
  • Speaker notes that include:
    • the rationale for including each topic with a synthesis of professional literature
    • recommendation of internal and or external materials for each topic
    • recommendation of a facilitator for each topic
    • a rationale listing why the materials and facilitator(s) are the most appropriate choice for that topic
    • Two or more scholarly resources to support the rationales

You may use this outline template to help organize your resources. You should use this PowerPoint template to build your presentation.

Final Project Rubric


10 points

7 points

3 points

0 points

Points Earned

Assembles comprehensive topics for management orientation in a PowerPoint.

Assembles comprehensive (8) topics for management orientation in a PowerPoint.

Identifies at least five major topics to include in a management orientation program in a PowerPoint.

Identifies less than five topics to include in a management orientation program in a PowerPoint.

Does not identify topics to include in a management orientation program.



30 points

20 points

10 points

0 points

Points Earned

Justifies the inclusion of the topic using peer reviewed and/or professional sources in the speaker notes.

Justifies the inclusion of each of the 8 topics using peer reviewed and/or professional sources in the speaker notes.

Discusses the rationale for the inclusion of the topics with references from some non- peer reviewed or non-professional source(s) in the speaker notes.

Or provides referenced rationale for at least five topics.

Lists the rationale of the inclusion of the topics to include without being referenced or from non-peer reviewed or non- professional sources in the speaker notes.

Or provides referenced rationale for at less than five topics.

Does not identify the rationale for the topics in the speaker notes, or omits references, or from non-peer reviewed or non- professional sources.



15 points

10 points

5 points

0 points

Points Earned

Develops learner-focused objectives/ competencies necessary at completion of orientation in the PowerPoint.

Assembles at least four objectives/ competencies necessary at completion of orientation in the Power Point.

Identifies less than four objectives/ competencies necessary at completion of orientation in the Power Point.

Identifies less than two objectives or competencies necessary at completion of orientation in the Power Point.

Does not identify objectives/ competencies necessary at completion of orientation.


Inventories resources and facilitator(s) (internal &/or external) to use during orientation to ensure orientee has opportunity to obtain necessary information

Inventories resources and facilitator(s) (internal &/or external) to use during orientation for each topic.

Identifies some resources and/or facilitator(s) (internal and external) to use during orientation for at least five topics.

Identifies limited resources and/or facilitator(s) (internal and external) to use during orientation for less than five topics.

Does not identify resources and/or facilitator(s) (internal &/or external) to use during orientation.



10 points

7 points

3 points

0 points

Points Earned

Provides a rationale on why the materials and the facilitator is the most appropriate choice for each topic in the speaker notes.

Explains why the materials and the facilitator are the most appropriate choice for each topic.

Explains why the materials and the facilitator are the most appropriate choice for at least five topics.

Explains why the materials and the facilitator are the most appropriate choice for at less than five topics.

Does not explain why the materials and the facilitator are the most appropriate choice.


PowerPoint Formatting and Layout

3 Points

2 Points

1 Points

0 Points

Follows rules of five on slides
Bulleted points only, no paragraphs to read

Follows rules of five on slides
Bulleted points only, no paragraphs to read

Usually follows rules of five on slides
Usually applies bulleted points

Rarely follows rules of five on slides
Rarely applies bulleted points

Does not use any of the required formatting of power point slides


Provides Speakernotes

7 Points

4 Points

2 Points

0 Points

Points Earned

Augments information via use of Notes Pages

Augments information via use of Notes Pages

Usually augments with Notes Pages

Rarely augments with Notes Pages

No Speaker notes included



3 points

2 points

1 points

0 points

Points Earned

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation

There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation

There are a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not detract from the meaning.

There are major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not reflect scholarly writing.




7 points

5 points

2 points

0 point

Points Earned

APA Format

Demonstrates competent use of mechanics and APA.

Minimal APA errors.

Many APA errors.

Complete lack of APA format.




Submission status

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