Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation
DISCUSS:The goal of clinical practice guidelines is to serve as a framework for policies, procedures, protocols, etc. they lay the groundwork for guidelines towards policy invention, and implementation. There is much potential for the advancement of the human kind. The quality is predicated on the methodologies utilized.the AGREE (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation) was developed to understand the quality of variability in the research process. The purpose was to have a tool that reveals transparency within the research methodologies.The original AGREE was composed in 2003, by a research group called the AGREE collaboration. The overall goal was to have a system in place to evaluate/assess the quality of guidelines. As such, it was developed with the understanding that ongoing development would be indicated. The difference between the original AGREE and AGREE II was to make it more user-friendly, with some precise specifications. For example the original AGREE focused primarily and generally on patients whereas AGREE II was more detail-oriented to identify specific populations. In addition a new guideline was added to evaluate the strength and weaknesses of the body of evidence, found in the original AGREE. AGREE was designed to assess guidelines developed on all levels, such as local, federal, regional, national, etc. the AGREE II is more specific, addressing the various health and diseases entities and where they are on the health continuum spectrum. The guidelines focus on prevention, health screenings, diagnosis, treatment and interventions. I would like to incorporate the AGREE II within my dissertation as a tool to measure the patient outcomes as a result of a curriculum redesign in teaching patients how to self-manage their diabetes with low health literacy.250 WORDSapa references