Lesson-2 (Discussion)

Team Performance, Productivity and Rewording TeamworkModule 2 focuses on performance, productivity, and rewarding teamwork. Based on your understanding, discuss the following.1) Discuss how to access team productivity:2) What conditions need to be in place for teams to excel and why?3) Suggestion ways to design teamwork so that threats to performance is minimized4) As a manager, how would you reward teamwork?Specific Instructions:Read and respond to your classmates’ posts. See class posting/discussion requirements.Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and any additional sources.Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.Respond to at least 3 your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:• Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.• Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.• Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.• Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.• Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Campbellsville University Library• Make suggestions based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.• Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.Response -1(Sridhar)Hi,Discuss how to access team productivity?There are teams all over the world, and we do group work in all aspects to accomplish the task. There are different teams that perform different tasks with respect to the operations of their departmentCollaboration helps the organization improve its capacity to achieve outstanding results. It brings together information, technology, employees, and organizations to achieve their goals. The leader is appointed, who cares about the activities, productivity, and cohesion of the team.Every other team and its members are dissatisfied and satisfied with how their team works. Such groups exist in every organization, and every person faces this in their profession. Nevertheless, the group’s performance and teamwork remain positive and achieve the goals and responsibilities that are given to them.A group of people working in an organization for a similar facility is called a team. The productivity of each organization depends on the team’s participation and support. The performance of a group is a multi-stage process that can increase the satisfaction of employees or team members with their work in the organization and provide space and proper requirements to improve their performance in the tasks assigned. The performance of the group can be accessed through regular meetings in accordance with the work. e-mails are not the proper information to identify the fulfillment of the task of specific personnel. Proper communication can be carried out through regular meetings, and we can determine how much work is done, what the problem is with the task, and how to solve these problems at regular meetings. Accepting the suggestions of team members to solve the problem associated with the task, we can speed up the productivity through these regular meetings. The team leader or manager must monitor the work of the employee every day in accordance with his tasks. In this way, we can access the performance of the team.What conditions need to be in place for teams to excel and why?Requires excellent guidance for creating an excellent team (Llopis, 2012). Whether professional environment, professional sports, restaurants or any place where the team is going to work together in order to get results, must have a strong mutual understanding among themselves, must know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and their experience. This is necessary since it helps to distribute responsibilities according to opportunities and skills.The team leader should know what is at stake, and how to do it, so that he knows what resources are needed, and can decide the implementation schedule. As the scope and terms are determined, the leader must properly allocate the roles and responsibilities of team members. The leader must acknowledge what work is completed, what he expects, and if there are any road blocks to complete it. Finally, the leader should celebrate the success of the team and its team members. All these conditions affect the work of the team and the results that it produces.Leaders and team leaders should meet regularly, and this meeting should discuss the project process and work-related problems. At these meetings should take into account the feedback of team members. Several types of solutions may appear from the team members. Direct communication is possible at regular meetings. This can help improve the working style of team members. Thus, regular meetings can help improve the team.Managers must establish rules, and they must regularly monitor the task of each team member. They must help the team member to perform their tasks in a timely manner (Sal DiFonzo, 2014). This can help a team member become a professional in his work.Suggestion ways to design teamwork so that threats to performance is minimizedWhile incentive plans provide rewards for specific team goals, performance management can also facilitate teamwork (DiFonzo, 2014)Managerial abilities and attitudes play a very important role in the team because the employee’s relationship with the leader is the most important characteristic of their work. Managers need to interact with the employee, they need to know how the employee feels about the team and to what extent he/she participates in the team.The leader needs to understand what the strength and skill of the employee are. This helps the employee to work better in the team. In addition, the leader must provide little flexibility to team members in all aspects, perhaps, rather than imposing strict restrictions.Several methods are used to develop effective teamwork to minimize the threat of team performance.Effective communication is the first method to reduce performance threats. Good communication between team leaders and their partners is very important for the growth and productivity of the whole team. Effective communication can reduce the threat of dissatisfaction with work and arguments between team members. The size of the group is also very important to reduce performance threats. Evaluating the size of the team, directors can maximize team productivity. The size of the team also guarantees a high intensity of the presentation of the team. Thus, there are several ways to develop effective teamwork (Schippers, Hartog, & Knippenberg, 2008).As a manager, how would you reward teamwork?Compensation for teamwork is very necessary for better team performance and cohesion. As a manager, I would be grateful and grateful to my team members for everything they do and what they do. I will give them all the flexibility they need so that they are productive in what they do. In addition, I would put a couple of working lunch on the calendar as a token of gratitude.The remuneration of the group is similar to the perception of their fetus. They recognize the association of the form of gratitude for their work, which gives them a lift and confidence. As an administrator, I will send a fee to assess their hard work. First of all, I express my deep gratitude to them for their hard work. I will demonstrate to them my confidence in them and give them some kind of blessing or offer them a transporter opening.References:[1] The Five-Factor Model of Personality in the Workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved February 03, 2018, from http://www.personalityresearch.org/papers/neubert.html[2] Joran Beel. (2007, November 4)   Project Team Rewards: Rewarding and Motivating Your Project Team. Retrieved February 03, 2018, from  http://team-rewards.de/files/Project_Team_Rewards—eBook_Medium_Quality_(c).pdf[3] Hackman, M. Z., & Johnson, C. E. (2013). Leadership: A communication perspective. Waveland Press.Retrieved February 03, 2018[4] Linda Ray. (2012, June 12). How to Design a Teamwork Environment to Minimize Job Dissatisfaction. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/design-teamwork-environment-minimize-job-dissatisfaction-48535.html[5] Sal DiFonzo. (2014, June 1). Improving Teamwork Through Effective Compensation Design. Retrieved from https://www.fminet.com/fmi-quarterly/article/2014/06/improving-teamwork-through-effective-compensation-design/Response-2(RINI)It is exceptionally fundamental to have your group more gainful. To get to group profitability the main thing is to have a reasonable chain of correspondence. Group will have the capacity to cooperate successfully just in the event that they see each other well so openness is of the utmost importance part. There ought to be set of correspondence rules to be trailed by the group. The second thing is to have medium of correspondence set like which apparatus group will use to achieve other like SharePoint or some sort of programming which will keep group associated. May be if few part are seaward it winds up hard to impart once in a while so the correct planning ought to be set when everybody will have meeting. Third and last thing I would state the group will be more gainful if there is less prevention, impediments and diversions. An appropriate positive workplace is exceptionally important.As indicated by me for the group to exceed expectations it is critical that there is no correspondence hole or misjudging between colleagues. A shared comprehension between colleagues will make group more grounded. There ought to be receptiveness to share learning and data among colleagues. Like might be one individual is master in retail field on which the task is going on, so he or she should impart information to others yet it happens just if request. Each colleague should regard and bolster each other, positive intensity is great however strife and weigh less conduct and injurious dialect ought to be kept away from. The imperative thing is all colleagues should share a shared objective and ought to be submitted for that. In conclusion time administration is additionally fundamental that everybody play out its assignment in right group to accomplish the group objective.A group must be composed remembering the task and goal of organization. The dangers will be limited if group is planned in way that is clear with the vision and objective to accomplish, sees each other, help each other, speak with each other on everyday schedule and do general catch up of the errand. Every last colleague ought to be on same page and there should compensate based group structure, one who does diligent work or brilliant work will be remunerated. Inspiration and motivation between groups ought to be there.ReferencesChibuzor, M. (2017, January 18). Workzone Project Management Software. 3 Simple Strategies to Improve Your Team’s Productivity | Workzone. Retrieved from http://www.workzone.com/blog/3-simple-strategies-to-improve-your-teams-productivity/Warkocz, M. (2015, September 06). Goyello blog about IT software, coding and Agile management. Check what 5 features you need to excel at teamwork. Retrieved from http://blog.goyello.com/2015/06/09/what-you-need-to-excel-at-teamwork/Ray, Linda. (n.d.). How to Design a Teamwork Environment to Minimize Job Dissatisfaction. Small Business – Chron.com. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/design-teamwork-environment-minimize-job-dissatisfaction-48535.htmlResponse-3(Shravan)Focuses on performance, productivity, and rewarding teamwork. Based on your understanding, discuss the following.Discuss how to access team productivity.”Tune in to workers. While changing over three siloes divisions to twelve multifunctional groups concentrated on client accounts, the organization questioned a cross area of workers and discovered that they were exceptionally impervious to group based pay.Recognize particular parts. The firm settled an arrangement of separated remuneration in light of the particular aptitudes every part gives to a group. Since every individual has a one of a kind capacity, it’s moderately simple for chiefs to distinguish singular commitments. Representatives are assessed on measures, for example, work learning and work quality.Be steady about assessment. All individuals from a given group are assessed by one chief as opposed to a variety of utilitarian supervisors.Join groups through acknowledgment. The organization energizes collaboration and participation by recognizing people’s commitments to their groups and expressly following and imparting the groups’ part in the organization’s prosperity”What conditions need to be in place for teams to excel and why?Your family aren’t imbecilic; they know when they have been stuck on a social event that has no master and whose choices will be overruled by you or some other director in the alliance. Precisely when that is the condition they will look at and you won’t get their best considerations. The best social occasions are those that are doing basic work for their affiliations, and that have been empowered the ace to settle on fundamental choices. Right when your get-togethers are completely connected with you will have the opportunity and capacity to meander before long from settling on each and every choice for your business. By offering control to your social affair you can place essentialness in more basic things. This doesn’t mean, regardless, that you let go completely. Stay in contact with your get-togethers and certification they are accountable for their advance and results.Suggestion ways to design teamwork so that threats to performance is minimized?”Tune in to workers. While changing in excess of three siloed divisions to twelve multifunctional packs concentrated on client accounts, the affiliation investigated a cross zone of workers and found that they were exceptionally impervious to accumulate based pay. See particular parts. The firm settled a game-plan of detached pay in light of the particular aptitudes each part accommodates a social affair. Since every individual has a one of a kind cutoff, it’s respectably fundamental for manager to perceive single obligations. Operators are reviewed on measures, for example, work learning and work quality.Be tireless about assessment. All individuals from a given social occasion are assessed by one supervisor instead of a variety of utilitarian administrators. Join clusters through attestation. The affiliation enables composed exertion and participation by seeing people’s obligations to their social affairs and expressly following and giving the get-togethers’ part in the affiliation’s flourishing”As a manager, how would you reward teamwork?•           “Listen to masters: While changing in excess of three siloed divisions to twelve multifunctional bundles concentrated on client accounts, the affiliation investigated a cross area of agents and found that they were phenomenally impervious to assemble based pay.•           Identify particular parts: The firm settled a game-plan of confined pay in light of the particular limits each part accommodates a social occasion. Since every individual has a striking breaking point, it’s respectably direct for officials to perceive specific obligations. Agents are reviewed on measures, for example, work learning and work quality.•           Be obvious about assessment:  All individuals from a given social occasion are reviewed by one official rather than a variety of practical boss.•           Unite packs through confirmation: The affiliation supports joint exertion and speculation by seeing people’s obligations to their get-togethers and unequivocally following and passing on the social occasions’ part in the affiliation’s prosperity”References:https://www.sesp.northwestern.edu/masters-learning-and-organizational-change/knowledge-lens/stories/2011/team-based-rewards.htmlhttps://www.inc.com/peter-economy/5-steps-to-maximize-team-performance.html

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