Problem Research Report Web Page
Need to work on 3 credible sources, each sources a paragraph answering the below questions..need around 2 pages..Creating Value:In the second section of this assignment, you will research and review 15 credible sources, excluding the sources provided in this course, which provide information about value creation and stakeholder perspective in the industry and organization your team will research. Carefully plan so each team member is responsible to search and identify an equitable number of sources.After each source, you will include one paragraph to fully explain:How is the article linked to value creation?How does the article help address your knowledge deficiencies?What stakeholder’s perspective does the article represent?The format of this section is very similar to an annotated bibliography in APA format, where the reference to a source is listed and a synopsis of the source follows below the reference of the source. In this assignment, the synopsis of each source will include your responses to the above three questions. An example of an APA annotated bibliography from IWU’s OCLS is here: APA Annotated Bibliography(PDF document).Clearly indicate team members’ contributions.