Best Answer
Choose the best answer for each question in the “Best Answer” at the end of these chapters, and write a few sentences for each question to justify your choice. Note that just choosing the letter for your best answer only will not earn you full credit for this assignment.LESSON 6:1. What happens if you attempt to add workgroup servers to Server Manager?a. Server Manager allows only servers that are members of an Active Directory DomainServices (AD DS) domain to be managed.b. Server Manager adds and allows management of any computer, whether a member ofan AD DS domain or workgroup.c. Server Manager will not permit workgroup servers to be added and managed.d. Server Manager usually allows you to add workgroup servers, but attempts to accessthe remote server fail with a “Credentials not valid” error.2. Once a server is added to Server Manager, what actions are taken to permit remote servermanagement?a. No further action is needed. For example, you may immediately use the Add Rolesand Features Wizard.b. No further action is needed, because Windows Remote Management (WinRM) isenabled on the source Windows Server 2012.c. No further action is needed because WS-Management Protocol is already running.d. No further action is needed thanks to Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) and Windows PowerShell.3. What is the primary difference between the Windows Server 2012 Server Manager andprevious versions?a. Windows Server 2012 Server Manager allows management of multiple remote serversat once.b. Windows Server 2012 Server Manager allows management of remote servers, categorizedin role groups.c. Windows Server 2012 Server Manager allows remote management of other servers,including down-level Windows servers.d. Windows Server 2012 Server Manager has been tested with nearly 100 servers addedto the interface.4. What functional benefit is derived from creating server groups?a. Server groups allow administrators to add roles to several servers at once.b. Server groups allow administrators to navigate and organize several servers at once.c. Server groups allow administrators to navigate several servers at once.d. Server groups allow administrators to organize several servers at once.5. The security configuration of the Windows PowerShell Web Access Gateway server iscrucial, employing a security certificate from a trusted certification authority and userspecificauthorization rules. Why are these security measures so crucial?a. There is often both client and server side security, but only server end measures arecontrolled.b. There is no mandatory security on the client side of the application, relying more onserver side security.c. There is no security on the client side of the application, instead relying on robustserver side security.d. There is often both client and server side security, but only client end measures arecontrolled.LESSON 7:1. Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 is a Type I virtualization architecture. What isthe fundamental difference between Hyper-V and older, Type II virtualizationarchitectures?a. Hyper-V creates environments called partitions, each with its own operating systeminstalled.b. Its hypervisor designates the first partition as the parent partition and all subsequentpartitions as child partitions.c. Its hypervisor is an abstraction layer and interacts directly with computer hardware,rather than as a host OS application.d. Computer subsystems such as Plug and Play and power management are managed byHyper-V’s parent partition.2. Windows Server 2012 includes Hyper-V in which edition(s)?a. All editionsb. The Datacenter editionc. The Standard and Datacenter editionsd. The Essentials, Standard, and Datacenter editions3. After installing the Hyper-V role, what is the startup procedure for Windows Server2012?a. The newly installed hypervisor starts first, and then loads the operating system as theprimary or parent partition.b. The actual startup procedure is not altered.c. The newly installed hypervisor starts first, and then loads the operating system as achild partition.d. The newly installed hypervisor starts second, after the operating system loads as apartition.4. What is the primary purpose of the software package offered by Hyper-V called guestintegration services?a. Guest integration services improves communications between the parent partitionand child partitions.b. Guest integration services resolves compatibility issues of certain guest operatingsystems experiencing non-functioning features.c. Guest integration services improves data exchange between the parent partition andchild partitions.d. Guest integration services improves time synchronization between the parent partitionand child partitions.5. What is Resource Monitoring in Windows Server 2012?a. Resource Monitoring is a PowerShell-based feature that enables you to documentvirtual machine usage.b. Resource Monitoring is a Server Manager feature that enables you to monitor virtualmachine resources.c. Resource Monitoring is a PowerShell-based feature that enables you to redistributevirtual machine resources.d. Resource Monitoring is a Server Manager feature that enables you to documentvirtual machine communications.LESSON 8:1. Deciding between two virtual disk formats (VHD and VHDX), you need one to accommodateimage sizes up to 2 TB (terabytes) and be compatible with both Windows Server2012’s Hyper-V and Microsoft’s older product, Virtual PC. Which format do you chooseand why?a. VHD, because it supports up to 2 TB image files.b. VHDX, because it supports file sizes far beyond 2 TB—up to 64 TB.c. VHD, because it supports both new and old hypervisor products.d. VHDX, because it supports larger block sizes for tuning storage performance.2. You need to connect a virtual hard disk with a virtual machine (VM). What disk formatdo you choose and why?a. VHDX, because it’s the only one available when creating a new disk.b. VHD or VHDX if using an existing virtual hard disk.c. VHD with an existing hard disk and a Type II hypervisor product.d. Either one is possible and applicable.3. You intend to create a new virtual hard disk, specifying a 700 GB VHDX image file witha logical sector size of 4 KB. How do you proceed?a. With Server Manager, using Hyper-V Manager’s New Disk feature.b. With the utilities included in Hyper-V’s guest integration services.c. Those exact specifications are not possible in Hyper-V Manager.d. With PowerShell, using the New-VHD cmdlet with appropriate parameters.4. Is it possible for a VM to access a hard disk directly?a. No. VMs access virtual hard disks, areas of space on the physical hard disk.b. Yes. VMs can have “pass-through disks,” a special virtual disk that directly accessesthe physical disk if made exclusively available to the VM.c. No. VMs can never access physical hardware, but only through the hypervisor.d. Yes. VMs use virtual hard disks, which are essentially the physical hard disks.5. What is a key benefit of using differencing disks?a. They enable you to use baseline images.b. They enable you to keep a fixed image in its original state.c. They allow you to experiment without repercussions.d. They let you create parent and child-differencing disks.
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